I crocheted a Viking Hat …for a real Viking.

He’s brave, daring, and makes frequent raids of destruction. He *needed* this hat.

But apparently, Vikings are not necessarily fond of crochetedhead-gear. This little factoid was not mentioned in my How to Raise a Viking Manual. My bad.

And if you force a Viking to wear a crocheted hat, and take his picture…
and then further humiliate him by posting in on the worldwide web…

Warning: the image above is real footage of the aftermath of an actual Viking raid. Viewer discretion is advised.
He WILL arm himself

and get even.

*sigh* Maybe we’ll try again next year. Maybe 3 year old Vikings appreciate the fine art of crochet.
P.S. I don’t iron tablecloths. Can we still be friends?
P.P.S This is where I bought the instructions for the Crocheted Viking Hat. $5.50 is a real bargain for such an adorable pattern, methinks! I’m just learning, so one horn is a bit crooked. But I think it’s fitting.
P.P.P.S The above photos were actually taken all in a row…he really did take off running for the plunger to do my floors while I was trying to take a photo of him in his new hat. I never knew life could be this exciting!
I love this post. Your little viking is adorable.