Ear infection remedies have been top priority here since our first run in with an ear infection with my two year old. She and I were up until the wee hours of the morning, and she was in so much pain that I ended up taking her to the ER for her first antibiotic.
When I discovered natural remedies, ear infections were at the top of my list to research. And through the years, we’ve not had to make a return trip to the ER! I’ll share all of my secrets with you for treating ear pain at home.
There seem to be two different forms of ear infections:
- One is the result of fluid behind the ear drum, which is often associated with a runny nose and cold symptoms. The pain is from the pressure on the ear drum. Most commonly, this form of ear infection is viral.
- The other is an inflammation of the ear canal, often called “swimmers ear”. This also strikes suddenly, but often after swimming or bathing, and without the usual cold symptoms.
Swimmer’s Ear Remedies
I have had good results using half vinegar & half alcohol at the first sign of swimmers ear. I actually packed a washed out eye drops bottle of it in our swim bag, and have used it right at the pool several times this summer.
Ear Infection Remedies
First, I check the ear, and made sure that the eardrum is intact…the ear canal looked red and swollen. I mentally assess: have they been swimming? Are they teething or starting to get a little cold? Are they simply uncomfortable or in major pain?
Time for a home remedy to get this under control quickly. I head into the kitchen and grab…an onion!
A traditional ear infection remedy is to put a half of a warm on onion over your child’s ear. Some have had good results putting a few drops of onion juice into the ear, but I find that holding the onion under the ear (over the eustacian tube) or over the ear is more than sufficient. I prefer to only put the otoscope in to check, instead of applying remedies inside the ear canal.
Easy Ear Infection Remedy Method
This is our favorite remedy for ear pain. My kids ask for it, and apply it themselves, because it’s so soothing.
More Ear Infection Remedies
A Fantastic Tool for Your Home Remedy Kit
Treating ear pain at home can be nerve wracking, because it’s hard to see what is going on in there. Last year, I finally broke down and bought an otoscope, which is the little light thingy that Doctors use to look in ears. It does take a little getting used to it to really understand what you’re looking for and at, but overall, it has been a very worthwhile investment in my first aid kit. (Here is a handy You Tube video explaining how to use it)
I have used it for ear checks, as well as to inspect sore throats, teeth, and other dark and dangerous places where a kid might hide a bean or pea. This is the one I purchased:
Another nice benefit to owning my own is that my kids are now used to it, and they are not scared at all when they go to the Dr., and he looks in their ears. Which makes check ups much less traumatic.
Please note: Never put anything into the ear if you suspect that the ear drum has burst, and/or if you see blood or fluid coming out of the ear. If a person is allergic to onions or garlic, or experiences pain or irritation with the remedy, then discontinue use. Not all infections respond to these remedies, and some may a doctor visit and internal antibiotics.
Please use your own best judgment when using home remedies, and consult your doctor as you deem necessary. I am just a house-frau, not a doctor. 🙂
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just wondering, my 4 1/2 year old had her eardrum rupture, and she’s been through the antiboitics (I think the first time she’s had any), but the ENT thinks she’s headed for a tonsilectomy, adenoidectomy, and tubes in both ears (fluid behind eardrum of non-ruptured ear) I loathe the idea, and am curious what you’d do in this case.
Oh, yuck…I’m so sorry.
When I was really little, I got recurrent tonsil infections, and was scheduled for surgery. My Mom heard about using the herb alfalfa for it, and started me on it. My infection cleared up and never returned.
I’d give that a shot, and also elderberry. Most ear infections are viral, and an immune boosting/anti-viral protocol would be really worth pursuing prior to surgery, IMO.
Also, elevate the head of her bed, to help drainage move down into the stomach, and away from the ears.
The tonsils and adenoids are an important part of the lymphatic and immune system…I’d much rather work on recovery than remove them surgically. I pray that you find a naturally minded practitioner who can help point you in a good direction for her.
I’ve heard xylitol products can be VERY beneficial for kids who suffer from frequent inner ear infection as well. You may look for more info on that. We use toothpaste and gum/mints that are sweetened 100% with Xylitol.
You can also apply garlic presses around the outside of the ear or on the neck/throat when you suspect infection. The garlic and onion remedy posts would be worth reading.
Thanks for the replies! I ordered and received my otoscope yesterday, and see that the non-ruptured ear still looks red inside. However, her ENT had to cancel her follow-up appointment today, and I am rejoicing over more time to try these natural immune boosting methods!
Wonderful! The onion can be cut and just held over the ear…the vapors alone are anti-inflammatory and work really well. It works quickly!
A couple of years ago an ENT was suggesting my son get his tonsils out because they were very large. The time came where we had to make a decision and we just felt uneasy about it. My hubby happened to run across a study that indicated dairy products can really affect the tonsils. We reduced his dairy intake and when we took him back to the ENT he said that the tonsils had reduced in size and he no longer saw the need to take them out at this time. Might be something worth looking into if your child consumes lots of dairy.
Yes! The tonsils are responsive tissues that are tied into the immune system…I’m not a fan of removing them either. 🙂 Better to find out WHY they are enlarged!
I’m definitely going to do this for our baby when need be. I have one question though. How do you prevent the onion from burning the babies eyes?
Hi Ariana,
I’ve never had a problem with that, but I usually use a dropper for the juice for a tiny baby…so baby is usually not with me in the kitchen, and I just carry it in to where they are.
Once it’s in the ear, it’s fragrant (you’ll suddenly crave Italian food when snuggling your baby) 🙂 But it’s not powerful enough to burn the eyes.
You can test the juice on the skin first if you’re concerned. I know some people have allergies to garlic, and onion is in the same family. So err on the side of caution for the first try.
Hi Gwen!
Thanks for this post.
The photos of how you cut the onion are a great addition to the explanations.
When researching about home remedies I also read that cooking the onion first would make the juice less stingy – did you experiment with that as well?
cheers, Lisa
Cooking does deactivate the allicin or sulphur compounds, which is the antibiotic portion of the onion. So if that’s of interest to you, then I’d just slightly warm it. The anti-inflammtory component is still active even after heating, though.
Ah great to know thank you!
Can I use the onion again after the 1st use?
Onions & garlic both produce allicin (the potent antibacterial/antifungal) in an enzyme process that starts when you cut or crush the whole clove or onion. The process eventually degrades the allicin, and it’s most potent within the first hour of being cut. Time, heat, and acid all speed up the degrading process (so eating raw garlic isn’t as effective). So if you’re after the antibacterial aspect of either of them, use freshly cut each time. But I do pass it from one kid to the next when we’re fighting something. 🙂
With onions, there is also a powerful anti-inflammatory component that does NOT degrade, even in cooking. So you MAY continue to use it if you’re mainly wanting that portion of the remedy.
Hi there. My 2.5 year old daughter who has been super healthy since birth got a cold this past Oct and has been severely congestions since, has had three ear infections and the doctor is recommending tubes, tonsils and adenoids out. I have tried saline, nasonex, allergy meds, vitamin c, d, kyolic garlic (liquid), steam inhalation. She still has fluid in her ears… I am wondering would this onion remedy help or is it just for actual infections?
It’s my understanding that the onion addresses inflammation and microbial growth. In this case, it sounds like she’s got a chronic issue. Have you looked at the use of Xylitol for recurrent infection? That would be worth looking into for her.
Lymph massage may also be a good direction to look at, as well as propping her pillow at night so all fluid drains down and doesn’t pool in her inner ears..
Personally, I would get a second opinion on removing the tonsils/adenoids, as they are important components of the immune system.
When I was a child, I also had repeated tonsil infections and was scheduled to have surgery to remove them. My Mom tried giving me alfalfa on the recommendation of a friend, and my infections cleared up completely and I never had the surgery. So it’s possible to recover. 🙂
Avoid all dairy and sugar products to expedite healing. Even all animal products will trigger infection. Give ur child plant based diet 1 month – 3mos.
I was going to try something like this myself. I can’t tell my husband though, he will think it’s hooey, but I remember my mom doing it and it worked. I certainly will NEVER tell my mother or sister in laws!
🙂 The proof is in the pudding, I always say. I’ve had so many Mamas who have been shocked that this worked well for them!
What type of onion did you use? Yellow, sweet, red?
I use red if I have it, as it’s got the highest concentration of the anti-inflammatory quercetin. But *all* onions have this compound, so use what you have.
Very helpful article Gwen 🙂 I’ve heard rubbing pressed red onion juice on gums can help with teething. Do you know anything about this? I have a 13 month old who seems to be permanent ly teething. She wakes frequently at night & I think it’s teething. So I thought I’d try this right before bed & during the night. She also has a Amber necklace on so I will buy another to see if it helps. I haven’t taken it off when she gets wet , do you know if this effects the necklace working. If you have any other suggestions it would be much appreciated (I have tried homeopath products & seen a homeopath as well). Thanks for your patience with this long post! Cheers, Lauren
Hi Lauren!
I don’t usually reach for remedies that are unpleasant for my kids, because I don’t want them to associate home remedies with pain or gross tasting concoctions. So I’d probably not try the onion just for that reason.
We did end up using 2 necklaces for the heavy duty teething like eye teeth & molars, and it did the trick for us. My son went from not being able to sleep, to sleeping soundly within an hour of putting on the 2nd necklace. 🙂 Getting them wet won’t hurt them, but chlorine isn’t supposed to be good for them.
Thanks so much Gwen, that makes sense, I will try the second necklace instead! 🙂
I am definitely going to try these the next time we have ear issues.
Hello and thank you for this post!!! My son suffers too much from these and they are usually sudden. Tonight was one of the worst I did as your post said and he’s in no more pain. But my question is: do I leave the cotton ball in the ear when I put him back down for bed or do I take it out. And if I take it out how long do I leave it in for?
I would remove it. 🙂
Hi Gwen, My son is 15 months old and has had 7 ear infections. One more and they are recommending tubes. His ears are currently not red, but fluid is present. Will the onion help the fluid drain? And possibly prevent an infection? If I do use an onion and he won’t let me hold it to his ear, would you recommend onion juice on a cotton ball in the ear? I’m too afraid to put anything inside the ears. I am also currently giving him probiotics and thinking of cod liver oil too. Is there any combination of these things that you would not recommend? And last question – would the onions work if they were near his head while he is sleeping? Many thanks !!!!!
Hi Crystal,
The onion properties address swelling, which helps with pain in our experience. But with chronic ear infections, you may want to look at ways to support his body in fighting a virus. I’d elevate his bed at night so the fluids have the ability to drain. I would not put onion near him, just because that’s a very unpleasant smell. You can hold it just below his ear on his neck and see if that targets the inner ear area more effectively. I agree in not putting anything in the ear canal. <3
I had chronic tonsilitis as a baby, and my Mom had me scheduled for a tonsillectomy, but a friend recommended that she try alfalfa first. She started me on alfalfa while we waited for the surgery, and my infection cleared up and she was able to cancel the surgery. Tonsils and inner ear are very close companions, so that may be something to try. <3
Do you have a remidy for to much wax in an ear?what can yu do for it?
I’ve read that ear wax can be a sign that you’re not digesting fat well. I’ve done some reading on ear candles, and I don’t really see that there is much merit in using them. I’ve also heard people recommend that their doctor uses olive oil drops and then irrigates the ears. I think they sell kits for that. 🙂
My Mom used to use the rounded end of a hairpin to gently remove extra wax. But that has to be done with great care.
Hi I was just looking through some home remedies for my 5 year old who is on her second set of ear tubes…is it safe or will it hurt her if I used onion juice in her ears?? Her Having tubes I’m afraid to try anything. But we are so desperate!
I would not put anything in the ears with tubes. But you should be able to use just a warmed half of an onion held over the ear or on the neck below the ear targeting the eustachian tube area.
HORRIFYING ADVICE. I am a ENT. Your blog was brought to my attention tonight in the ER. BY ALL MEANS DO NOT FOLLOW THIS ADVICE- YOUR CHILDS HEARING IS AT STAKE.
Can you explain why this is dangerous? I’ve used half of an onion or the juice many, many times to clear up ear pain, and it’s so quick and easy. We’ve never had any problems from it. It’s a very old, time tested remedy.
Hi Gwen:) the onion magic has proved itself in my house too. I have a six year old who I believe has fluid in her middle ear. She had a bad cough and very congested sinuses a couple weeks ago and the ear problem came too. Still somewhat congested sinuses and the fluid that I believe is in her middle ear. Our wonderful chiropractor said ears are fine, but she doesnt hear right, also they pop sometimes and ring. How would you recommend getting rid of the fluid ? Thanks
Look up a video by Massage by Heather on YouTube for lymphatic massage. I couple that with warm onion held on the side of the neck, just under the ear to get the fluid moving out. 🙂
Really amazing remedies.
Hello! Thanks for the clear instructions. I don’t have kids, but I do have the flu which has cause a serious earache! I tried the hot onions on the ears and it’s like magic. Hours of shooting pains relieved instantly. Years ago, my partner’s coworker told me about this onion juice trick, but it seemed so out there. I would second your suggestion about being careful of overheating. They did get hot fast and took a bit to cool off.
Thanks again for sharing!!!
l cut the onion up put it in a blender make it like a pulp, put it in a cloth, then squeeze the juice out put the juice in a gravy jug
pout it in a dropper, put drops in ear. l have just come home from the doctors l have got a really bad ear infection, l cry with the
pain, its so bad, l was borne with a cleff palet, and l am prone to ear infections. l must make some juice, now to put in my ear. god
l hope it works, got bad mi-grain head achs 2, because of the ear infection crying hear 67 years old sob.
Oh my…I’m SO sorry for your pain!
I don’t recommend putting anything in your ear if you’re in this much pain. I prefer using the warmed onion below the ear, on the neck. Often, fluid backs up along the eustachian tube- the back hallway between the ear and the throat. This pressure can perforate the ear drum and cause intense pain. Focusing on the inner ear is far less effective for those types of situations…you really want to focus on the neck/throat area. I also like to prop up my pillow at night a bit if I’m experiencing drainage…it helps fluids from building up in the eustachian tubes.
How often do you do this and when do you see relief?
This is a comfort style remedy that I will do as often as they ask for it. We usually only need to do it once or twice.
I read about your home remedies for ear infections, do you have any for removing/ dislodging impacted ear wax? I have tried everything I have read about but no success, seeing an ENT is not an option for me. Thanks for any advice
Hi Terry,
My son had success using warm olive oil as a soak, followed by hydrogen peroxide. He laid his head down and let both things soak in for several minutes, and then turned his head to where that ear faced down to clear out the gunk.
It took a couple of treatments, but it worked well!
This is the first post I see that says to put the onion on the ear and I appreciate it. My Dad told me to do it as I always got bad ear infections as an adult. I find it’s very soothing.
Onion remedy is really amazing.