Food is my love language and one of my passions. You'll find lots of healthy, delicious printable recipes here, as well as some (totally worth it) naughty recipes. Because that's how we roll here.
I'm a convenience cook at heart, so I've come up with a lot of great spice mixes and kitchen tips too to keep your kitchen healthy and efficient.
If you're a Trim Healthy Mama, you'll find my THM recipes by type and by meal here too!
Remedies & Health
I've been fascinated with natural remedies for over 6 years. We've switched from being the "what would the Doctor say?" family to being much more capable of handling the minor bumps, stings, and illness here at home. We've been impressed with how effective natural remedies have been, as well as how much we've saved in co-pays!
While there is a wide range of styles of herbalism and alternative care, I fall into the "easy and tastes good" camp. Because if it doesn't taste good, odds are no one here is going to use it. I'm not anti-medical, but I'm very strongly pro-patients rights, and pro-research when it comes to health care.
I love to read and blog about the things I discover. I've shared my own health crisis with a parathyroid tumor, as well as articles on magnesium, whooping cough, and more.
If you're new to the world of natural remedies & herbs, I will warn you that it's really lots of fun and I hope you'll find inspiration here for supporting your family's health. Many of my recipes can be made with the ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen cabinets!
When I married my husband 20 years ago, he was smooth shaven, bookish, and an introvert like myself. Fast forward a few years, and he grew in a marvelous red beard, revealing his Viking roots.
And then we proceeded to have 4 (extrovert) children with obvious genetic links directly to the Vikings. No one gets killed, but let's just say that I'm no stranger to raiding and pillaging. And the youngest? We should have just named that kid the Viking.
Sometimes, I just need to unload my brain, tell a story, or share something hilarious about my odd breed of people. They keep my home and life interesting and give me plenty of material to work with.
Trim & Healthy
This section is for all of my Trim Healthy Mama friends!
I share my weight loss story in pictures, tips, recipes, and more from my weight loss transformation with THM.
I learned SO much about food from the Trim Healthy Mama book. I also had the privilege of working closely with Pearl (one of the authors) in the official Facebook groups for over a year and got to hang out with the sisters on several occasions. I love to share helpful recipes & tips about THM!
Be sure to check out the Trim Healthy Mama book review, and the free THM Quick Start Guide here.
Creative Home
Being creative is woven into the fiber of who I am, and I apply it across the board in all of the areas of my life. I've been drawing since I was two years old. I love to make things and come up with cool new ways of doing all the things that need done around my house.
In this section you'll find more than just crafts! I blog about organizing & cleaning tips, homeschooling stuff, my favorite thrift finds, gift ideas. And yes, crafts.
Plus, any crazy stuff that I do that actually works. Like painting chair seat upholstery with craft paint.
Welcome to my creative home!