Bring on the fresh picked strawberries! I’m a little behind in posting photos, but this is how we started our summer quest for fresh berries. Here, you see, the taskmaster overseeing the field workers. The little one is asleep in his pouch, so I wasn’t much help with the berry picking.

My idea of a good photo…

is not exciting enough for the boy. A physical challenge makes the photo that much more exciting…don’t-cha think?

The girls are very industrious workers.

This smaller one here has even invented a two handed pick, but the landing is a little rough.

A decision must be made about the future of this berry.

Yup. This one is perfectly ripe…

and very, very juicy.

Believe it or not, we did actually get home with some strawberries. The really nice man who runs the fields said we could eat as much as we wanted…so we did!

And we can’t wait to do it again next year! Freshly picked strawberries go bad very quickly, so we froze them and made this wonderful fresh strawberry jam recipe. My grandmother always served this with her biscuits, and it is so delicious!
This month, we found a wild blackberry patch not far from our house.

The pricklers are pretty vicious, but the berries are so yummy that we’ve dug our jeans out of storage and are going for it…

while visions of blackberry delights dance in our heads.
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