Some of you may remember the Mopping Mania post I did here a while back. It has been life changing around here in terms of enthusiasm in the worker bees. This week, however, a modification was made in the routine.
A mopping modification that shall not be pictured.

if you have boys.
The incident unfolded like this:
First, we switched the mop water to a larger squeezie ketchup bottle, so the kids don’t have to refill it halfway through.
The next thing that I remember is looking back toward the kitchen and seeing mop water squirting horizontally across the room.
Then, the male juvenile stepped into view with the bottle wedged firmly between his thighs proclaiming
“Look Mom! I’m PEEING!”…
like it was the greatest thing he ever thought of, and I was going to be overjoyed and impressed at his ingenuity.
But I’m choose to look on the bright side, at my boy who is actually cleaning something

instead of trying to analyze whether or not this urination demonstration is a commentary on his chores.
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