The third age of the Viking was ushered in with great ceremonial shindiggery and enthusiasm. Choruses of “Happy Barfday to You” were sung each morning, in remembrance of this sacred occasion.
The role of the Viking in this era is noteworthy on many accounts, including the fascination with “mussews”…
heavy drinking…
raids of destruction on knick-knacks, and great feasts on pillaged goods from the freezer. Many advances were made in weaponry in this era…
with the giant “Polly” Pocket Knife being the preferred tool of Viking warriors.
The Viking also branches out in daring sea adventures.
In the fish tank, and toilets. Persistantly.
In other news, we’re reviewing hand washing policies here.
And, he likes Downton Abbey.
Really. Let it never be said that I’m raising a total savage.
I absolutely love this post…your little boy is priceless. I have give grandsons and 2 grand daughters, they all love to dress up and put on plays, any chance the get.
Thanks Gwen for the tremendous amount of work, you do. It is such a blessing to us all.
My family loves your recipes.
May The Lord bless you, I will miss your blogging, however I know your family must come first.
Sandra, I’m BACK! 🙂 I’m feeling great and am now able to balance work and home. So I’ll be blogging regularly!