Here’s the deal. I was watching my sisters kids one afternoon, for a head count of two eleven year olds, two eight year olds, a 3 year old, a two year old and a baby.
I was skeert.
Just a little bit though.

As I looked out of the window, I noticed that our elderly and precious neighbors had once again manicured their yard. There was a perfect line demarking their leafless grass from our leaf covered lawn.
I struck a deal with the four oldest: rake half the yard, and I’ll pay $4 divided between any kids who finish the job. But it has to be completely finished! Rake the other half, and there’s another $4 in it…same deal.
Hot diggity! They were SO excited, and all got right to work.
There were rakers, and pile movers.

I went in, and put all the little ones down for a nap and made snacks!

Here is the granola bar recipe, and the soda pop recipe.

It was a good day!
The yard looked great…

and after their snacks,
They finished up and then…

Oh, to be a kid again.

I love the fall.
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