It’s time to bid farewell Trim Healthy Tuesdays…this is a post that I’ve been putting off, but I knew would need to happen at some point. When I asked Pearl and Serene about allowing a blogger link up, they generously gave their permission for me to host it. We’ve had a super fun year, full of amazing recipes, tips, and touching insights into the personal journies of ladies doing the Trim Healthy Mama plan. It makes me sad that it’s time to let it go.
But it’s time.
The reasons are many, but essentially, the Trim Healthy Mama team has decided to move in a different direction and will soon be offering their own amazing and much more well organized support for their fans and bloggers. I for sure want to be a part of that, and I know you do too, so I promise to keep you updated!
In the mean time, I need to take a little personal holiday from recipe blogging for a variety of reasons. I’m in one of those crazy seasons of life where I’m spread too thin, so the timing on this works really well for me too. I’ll still be around, but not with weekly recipe posts.
I’ll end with some good news. That always makes the sad news easier to take (especially if you’ve got the chocolate thing going too.) The great news is that all of our past Trim Healthy Tuesday posts will always be right here. So you can come back and reference any of the amazing posts from Tuesdays past.
I’d like to take a moment to thank Pearl & Serene for writing such a life changing and amazing book, and for generously allowing me to use the Trim and Healthy name for the link up. I’d also like to thank all of the passionate bloggers who have participated in Trim Healthy Tuesday…you guys kept me inspired, well fed, and were such a blessing to connect with each week. I’ll miss it!
Finally, I’d like to thank you for reading and enjoying my blog. Really…I can’t express how much that means. It’s really touching to read the comments, and see the shared links each week…you guys are the bestest. I’ve loved sharing my journey here, and I promise it won’t be the last time that I invite you into my kitchen or my journey with Trim Healthy Mama. You have my word.
So with all that being said, I’m slightly sad to present the final episode of Trim Healthy Tuesday
I’m so sad to see the link up go! 🙁 But, we all have different seasons in our lives so I definitely understand.
I’m so sad that there is no more Trim Healthy Tuesdays…. I just found it and was beginning my journey here. I do understand how these things work. I look forward to continue enjoying your blog and your posts, and am wanting to continue my own posting THM recipes… perhaps I will pick Tuesdays, since you started that momentum in me. Thank you for sharing; I enjoy your blog very much… love your creative home ideas as well. You are a treasure.
I’m sad to see it go too but I totally understand. I look forward to the new things planned by Pearl and Serene. Thank you for all the work you have done to help so many of us on this journey. Blessings to you!
Thanks for leaving all the former links available to us…and for all your hard work in creating and sharing.
This was a huge encouragement to find the resources linked up together. I started in Feb 2014 so it is a treasure I will come back and still use. A years worth of archives is an amazing resource! Thank you for all your support and inspiration!!
Thanks for all your hard work. I’ve loved your Trim Healthy Tuesdays and look forward to hearing from you in the future. Thanks so much for keeping the recipes so easily accessible.
Really? Who gets teary eyed over the end of a ‘link up’?? Me!! You are a blessing, Gwen and I know we ALL thank you so much for you have given to this community. Praying for peace and rest in your journey as you seek Him each step of the way!
Just when I was getting to know you! 😉 I have thoroughly loved every recipe I have tried and will continue to enjoy them! Good luck in your next adventure! 🙂
Sad for us, but glad you’re doing what you need to do to stay sane. Blessings on you Gwen!
You know you can’t get rid of us THAT easily, right?!? We’ll be right here! Take the time you need. We all know about seasons of life. 🙂 Thank you for providing so much great info for us and in such an easy-to-use format!
You are a wise, and very classy lady! I appreciate so much your blog, and your leadership within the THM community…you have helped not only me, but thousands learn to eat & nourish our bodies in new & interesting ways that are all outlined in the Trim Healthy Mama book. Best wishes as you move forward with whatever the Lord has planned for you & enjoy a much needed respite from some of your activities. Thank you Gwen.
I’m sure gonna miss the Tuesday recipes. Gwen, you’ve been more than an inspiration to ALL of us!! Not just with healthy eating but in your walk of faith. I’m honored to call you my friend. Have some rest and refueling time with your sweet family!
I will miss Trim Healthy Tuesdays, but I’d much prefer knowing that you are doing what you need to do for your family. I totally understand and applaud your spirit. I have been so impressed and inspired with your blog….I can only imagine how time consuming it would be to not only make the recipes, but then take gorgeous pictures, upload (or is it download?) AND then blog about it.
Thank you for blessing so many THMers
So sad to see this post 🙁 I have enjoyed your tips and recipes, and will look forward to the “new direction” this is all going. Hopefully it will be a new, trimmer, and healthier direction for me! Thanks for leaving your posts up so we “newbies” can refer back here when we need a little inspiration 🙂
You are da Bomb and deserve a break. Thanks for all you do for us Mamma’s.
I love the recipes and Im glad you are keeping them up on your blog. Thank you for all the time you have put in! It’s been so motivating to have new recipes to try!!
I always look forward to Tuesdays to see what is new and yummy. I am so sad to see it end, but I am excited to see what is new!!
Gwen, You are a wonderful friend! Thank you for letting us participate and be a part of such a great thing! 🙂
Love you, dear friend! I’m excited for the future of THM! We are in the baby stages still for what I believe will be such an amazing ride of ministry and life! Thank you for inspiring me!
Another voice to say thank you for hosting THT for the season God had it. It truly was a blessing. looking forward to seeing what He brings forward in the new season.
I too am so sad to see the Trim Healthy Tuesday portion of your blog stop, but understand totally that sometimes you just need to cut out some things out or pare them down. You have been such a blessing to us all and I do hope you will check in on the FB page when you can. We all have looked forward to your posts and comments and hate the thought of not staying in touch 🙂 God Bless You and Your Family!
Thank you, Mary! I WILL keep in touch…I promise!
Gwenn, you have been such an inspiration to me. I have taken my time to try to understand this way of eating, and I didn’t “get it” for quite a while. I read the book several times and I just couldn’t fingure out how to apply it, even though I loved everything I read. I see the ladies on the facebook group loosing pounds and getting healthy and I know that I want that too, but I couldn’t figure out how to apply it. In many ways, you have been like a coach to me. Since reading your website, your transparent journey about your weight and health, and your family, and reading your wonderful recipes and tweaks to make things THM on plan, I am beginning to understand how to put this together in my own life. I have recently made a folder and bookmarked your links so I can find them easily and get organized. I follow your posts with eagerness and I am encouraged. I can’t thank you enough for your willingness to share your life with me. You have truly inspired me and helped me take a confusing subject and apply it in practical ways. You are a jewel, and I thank God for you. May HE be glorified, restore you, and bless you and keep you and all that you set your hands to do in the coming days ahead.
I’m so glad that you’re working through this…I found it to be SO worth the learning curve. Once you ‘get it’, it becomes SUCH an easy and enjoyable lifestyle!
Keep plugging away at it. I recommend that you highlight the fuel foods in the S chapter and on the list in the book. Then do the same in the E chapter. Once you really wrap your mind around which foods are giving you healthy fats and healthy carb fuels, it becomes so natural to put meals together on plan. ♥
<3 Thank you!!!
Selfishly, I say “BUMMER” but I pray that God will grant you peace and lighter load! Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts with us.
Thank you for helping each of us that have been on THM journey with you. Enjoy your kids always is what I try to remind other ladies. I’m glad you are devoted to prioritizing your life in the way God would want you to.
So sad to see the link go. I just started and needed to build my new life recipe book.
Jenny, there is a lot here to build from under the Trim Healthy Tuesday tab! Congrats on getting started, and I still plan to blog & post THM goodies from time to time. 🙂
You have been a true inspiration for all THM devotees. Trim Healthy Tuesday will be missed by many! We will keep an eye on you and your page. Here’s to your best year yet and ours!!!
I always looked forward to Trim Healthy Tuesdays and if I were busy, would feel like I was sitting over coffee with a friend when I read your blog and recipes later in the week! Always a treat. My recipe/notebooks are filled with Gwen-related recipes and ideas. Thank you for your sweet spirit and help these last six months!
Thank you so much, Patti! I’m so touched by the sweet notes here. ♥
Your posts will be missed, but I completely understand. I’ve been through such seasons. I’m praying for you as you tread through this time!! Thank you for giving us a fabulous go-to place!
We have all enjoyed your recipes. If fact, one of my children said we should call Wednesday, “Gwensday,” since we make so much of your food. Blessings in your new endeavor!
Oh, how sweet! 🙂 Thank you, Beverly!
So sad to hear this Gwen as I am a newbie, but so excited for the new direction that Pearl and Serene are going to be going and giving to us! Your blog was the first one I saved for my THM beginning and just love coming here for the awesome recipes, tips, and the quirkiness you give us! I will definitely be visiting here often. Just putting in my very first “Gwen’s Bread” (as I call it!) in the oven in a little while. Can’t wait to try it! So easy. Thanks again for all the inspiration you have given us all! You truly are a blessing!
Oh my word… those look amazing!