We’re starting week 3 of a 5 week Relaunch Giveaway party celebrating the new look here at Gwen’s Nest! Week 1: We celebrated the Trim & Healthy category with two winners getting a copy of the Trim Healthy Mama book. Week 2: the Rag Coat book was given away to this weeks winner in celebration of the Creative Home section of…
On Turning 40
Forty just sounds like such a milestone. Somewhat like 30, except that you’re a decade closer to 50. Since I just celebrated 41st birthday, I thought I would write about what 40 is like now that I’m a veteran and all. For each decade milestone, I realize that my definition of “old” continues to be pushed back further…
DIY Magnetic Pin Cushion
This DIY magenetic pin cushion is a cute and EASY craft that anyone can make in less than 5 minutes. Isn’t it so cute and retro looking!?!! I like to sew, and I love really nice tools and sewing trinkets. My Mom and Mother in law are both wonderful about getting me great quality sewing tools….
Is Cinnamon Healthy?
Is all cinnamon healthy? Well, yes and no. Look, I’m not here to smack your hands or check your cabinets. But when I discover something really cool that makes my food healthier and taste better, I want to tell you all about it! We all know cinnamon is a kitchen spice cabinet staple, and we love…
Weight Loss- Navigating Guilty Pleasures
A post in which my primary audience is myself. *ahem* Hi, I’m Gwen, and I LOVE food. Really. I’ve heard the “food is just fuel” theory, but I am not an adherent to that. I mean, I realize that it’s fuel, but it’s SO much MORE than just fuel. Or at least it can be….
Kitchen Tip: Freezing Lemons
Did you know that freezing lemons is a real thing? I have this super smart friend named Donnah and she buys lemons by the box and freezes them. So the last time she went to the market, we split a box. And I froze most of mine…and it works! Who knew?!?? Why would you want to…
Gwen’s Nest Giveaway Week 2
We’re starting week 2 of a 5 week Giveaway party celebrating the launch of my new look here at Gwen’s Nest! Last week’s two giveaway winners each won a copy of the Trim Healthy Mama book. You can see the winners here on the Rafflecopter announcement. This week, the giveaway will celebrate the Creative Home…
How Our Family Quilt was Made
The morning I read the Rag Coat to my kids, we all piled onto the couch right after breakfast. I let them stay in their jammies, and we spread this old colorful quilt over our laps. After the story was over, and I recomposed myself…the Rag Coat requires tissues(that’s my Amazonaffiliate link), and I told my kids…