If you read the turmeric in a ‘nutshell’ article a while back, then you’ve just been given a brief introduction to this incredible herb. It begs for a more comprehensive article to really do this amazing spice/root/herb justice. Turmeric is truly an important and versatile herb that is a powerhouse anti-oxidant, among other things…it “has…
Turmeric in a nutshell
Turmeric is a really excellent herbal remedy and spice that has earned a permanent place in my pantry. This is just a short ‘nutshell’ article, to cover the basics. If you’re interested in reading a more thorough review of it (with links to the source article) check out the full length turmeric herb article. The…
Cough Remedy
If you’re thinking this cough remedy recipe looks familiar, then you’re right! It’s actually the same picture that you’ll see in the cough and cold remedy post, but for good reason. You start with that recipe as the base. After you make up the honey, lemon, ginger mix put together, you’ll just need two more…
Onion Remedies
Onion remedies are at your fingertips in the average kitchen. The humble onion can surprisingly treat many ailments very effectively. They are the basis of many a historic remedy. I explore the onion nutrition and ingredients that make it such a potent remedy in this past post. Today we’ll talk about how and when I…
Onion Nutrition
Onion nutrition and remedies is our next topic in the ‘natural remedies you may already have in your kitchen‘ theme. This humble little bulb has a long and fragrant history, much like its cousin, garlic. In fact, these two have similar actions…and compliment one another in remedies and recipes alike. You may already be aware of the many uses of onions…
Garlic Remedies
Let’s talk garlic remedies…last week, we talked about the health benefits of garlic, mainly from a standpoint of using it to treat common, acute illnesses. Garlic is now the go-to herb in this house for a cold, sore throat or any type of infection or virus. I’d love to share with you what I’ve learned…
Health Benefits of Garlic
The health benefits of garlic are often highlighted in the news in relation to blood pressure, cancer research, and more. But did you know that this pungent food is also a powerhouse ingredient in many natural remedies for common illnesses as well? This is the first in a series of posts I’ll be doing on…