Do you have common symptoms of thyroid disease, but your lab tests are normal? You won’t want to miss today’s post by my holistic doctor, Dr. Rob.
You met Dr. Rob here on the blog a few weeks ago, and last week, he blew my mind with his insight on the REAL causes of adrenal fatigue. You can read about my recovery and experience of working with Dr. Rob on the adrenal fatigue post. This week, he’s back to talk about another VERY common and VERY perplexing health condition: thyroid dysfunction.
I’m going to let him do all of the talking this week. Please stick around to comment with questions at the end, and if you love this post, pin or share it!
Full disclosure: I’m not being compensated for sharing this great info with you guys- I just want you to have access to it, and to be able to learn from and ask Dr. Rob questions like I’ve been able to. Photos shared compliments of Dr. Rob and thanks to Dr. Eric Berg for the use of the Thyroid Body Type Photo.
Over to you, Dr. Rob…what do we need to understand about the common symptoms of thyroid disease?
The Symptoms of Thyroid Dysfunction
Are you feeling tired, depressed or experiencing mood swings? Are you struggling to lose weight? Are your periods heavy or irregular? Having trouble starting tasks or completing tasks? Can you not remember the last time you just plain felt great?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you might have low thyroid function, also known as hypothyroidism. In just a little bit I’ll cover some of the MAIN SIGNS that you have a thyroid problem EVEN if your labs are normal. Believe it or not, this condition is not rare. In fact, it’s the most common hormonal problem in the world, affecting more than 20 million Americans.
So you’d think everyone suffering from hypothyroidism would know all about it, right? Wrong! Many people don’t even realize that thyroid dysfunction is what’s causing their unpleasant symptoms, so they continue to suffer unnecessarily with a condition that CAN BE HELPED.
Melanie’s Thyroid Story
Melanie had some of the below thyroid symptoms and was eventually diagnosed with and underactive thyroid by her Medical Doctor. Luckily we found that she had a particular toxin interfering with her thyroid function. Once we got her on the correct detox and thyroid support program her body healed her thyroid gland and she never needed to go on the meds. I’ve included a few more before and after cases below.
What if Your Thyroid Tests are “Normal”?
You might have even had your thyroid hormone levels tested, and your doctor has said nothing is wrong. Unfortunately, standard medical blood testing of thyroid hormone levels only tells us part of the story and often fails to identify the problem. This leads to a few classic statements (or some version of them) that we hear so many times in our practice: “My thyroid lab work is normal, but I always feel tired,” or “I am on thyroid medication but I still feel bad,” or “My doctor put me on thyroid medication, and supposedly my labs are normal but I still can’t lose weight
That is why it’s extremely important to find a practitioner who doesn’t just look at basic lab work and use conventional drug therapies to help a person with low thyroid function. A thyroid problem isn’t just a thyroid problem – it’s an entire body problem.
So What’s Causing These Symptoms?
When we say it’s an “entire body problem” we simply mean there are many things that can go wrong in the body that can cause the thyroid gland to malfunction. Below is a video covering only one of over 40 different things that can go wrong and cause stress to your thyroid gland.
Here’s just ONE cause of thyroid malfunction that holistic practitioners have discovered. It started with changes in America’s bakeries in the 1970’s. Bromine, a natural mineral, was added to flour and thus to all commercially produced baked goods and even most brands of flour since that time. You can also find brominated vegetable oils in drinks like Mountain Dew.
The problem with this is, that bromine is chemically similar to iodine. In fact, they’re so similar, they’re right next to one another here on the periodic table of the elements.
Iodine is a necessary mineral that the thyroid needs to function- in fact, the thyroid gland is covered with iodine receptors. The iodine plugs into these receptors and helps the thyroid to function properly. Much like a key opens a lock in a door.
When a person has a lot of bromine in their system, the bromine plugs these receptors similar to using the wrong key in a lock- and blocks the iodine from reaching the thyroid. Because the thyroid is unable to get the iodine it needs, you begin to see symptoms of low thyroid function.
The Amazing Thyroid
The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck. It makes thyroid hormone, which is carried throughout your body in the bloodstream. Thyroid hormone controls metabolic activities, including how fast you burn calories, lose weight and your heart rate. So, it stands to reason that when your thyroid is underactive, you feel tired, sluggish, gain weight and experience other unpleasant symptoms. And, hypothyroidism affects more women than men. It can cause women to gain weight, experience menstrual problems, and symptoms that can even be mistaken for menopause.
Common Symptoms of Thyroid Disease
(Even if your labs are normal.)
If any of the following symptoms are affecting you – even if you are on thyroid medication or your blood tests are “normal” – you may be suffering from low thyroid function or underactive thyroid:
- Weight gain despite healthy diet and exercise.
Did you know that exercise itself doesn’t cause weight loss? Instead, exercise triggers hormones that cause you to lose weight by boosting your metabolism and helping you to lose fat instead of storing it. The thyroid hormone thyroxine is one of those that help us lose fat. If you are having trouble losing weight despite putting in an effort, it may very well be a sign of an underactive thyroid. - Being tired and/or not sleeping well. Thyroid imbalances, along with adrenal gland imbalances, are a major cause of fatigue. The thyroid gland and adrenal gland (a gland located on top of your kidneys) work hand-in-hand to support your energy levels. Therefore, it’s important to understand exactly how they are functioning. In our clinic, we help many patients who are suffering from thyroid and adrenal problems that are at the root of their ongoing fatigue.
- Depression, mood swings, brain fog, and lack of motivation. An underactive thyroid reduces the speed at which your body functions. Basically, low thyroid hormones = low energy. This often leads to inactivity, weight gain, depression, a feeling that you can’t think clearly and lack of motivation to start or complete tasks. When you do not have adequate levels of thyroid hormones, oftentimes you stop feeling alive.
More Common Symptoms of Thyroid Disease
There are many other symptoms which could indicate an underactive thyroid. They include:
- Carbohydrate and bread cravings
- Cold Hands and Feet
- Fat or Flab Under the Arms
- Hair thinking or Falling Out
- Loss of the Outer Eyebrow
- Indents on the side of the tongue
- Vertical Ridges in the nails
- And MORE…even poor digestion/constipation, sinus or allergy problems, heavy menstrual periods, headaches/migraines, low body temperature, decreased libido, heart palpitations, blood sugar spikes, aches/pains, and even thinning hair, dry skin, cold hands/feet and brittle nails.
It’s a long list, we know! That’s why it’s so important to get to the root of what’s ailing you. After all, you can’t fix a problem until you find out what’s causing it, which brings us to our next point …
The Problem with Standard Thyroid Lab Testing
Mainstream medical lab testing normally assesses thyroid function by testing levels of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), which is actually a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. While it can sometimes detect some problems with the thyroid, it is not really looking at the thyroid function at all, but at a pituitary hormone that triggers the thyroid.
However, there are some big problems with what’s considered “normal” lab results. For one, the standard normal lab range for TSH is .45-4.5 mIU/L, a range that is simply too large. We find there is a big difference from how a patient who tests at 4.2 mIU/L feels when compared to a patient who tests at 2.4 mIU/L.
If you happen to get a practitioner who is more aware of thyroid hormones, you may get testing for a few of the thyroid hormone markers: T4, Free T4, T3, Free T3 as well as TSH. This looks at the actual thyroid hormones in the active stage, as well as pre-activation and post-activation. So this gives a better picture, but it’s just not enough.
Most primary care physicians look at T4 levels because they treat low thyroid function with this form of the hormone. The problem is T4 is not very active and needs to be converted to the more active form of thyroid hormone called T3 to have a meaningful effect on your metabolism and the way your body feels.
Did you know that 95 percent of prescription thyroid medications (including Levothyroxine, Levoxyl, Synthroid, etc.) are made of synthetic T4? There are many things that can block the conversion of T4 to T3 in the body and more importantly, there are problems in the body that can prevent T3 from working properly–like the bromine I mentioned above.
You might have great TSH, T3 and T4 levels in the blood but if the hormones can’t work properly in the body you are still going to have thyroid symptoms. It’s like having a car that looks beautiful with a polished exterior and beautiful interior but doesn’t work right. Just because it is there and you can see it doesn’t mean it’s going to function. You can have beautiful levels of thyroid hormone but if the hormones don’t work right in the body then you are probably going to have trouble losing weight and not feeling well.
There are many things that can go wrong in the body that can stop the thyroid from working properly. The Online Health Evaluation that we offer here at Alternacare can help to determine where you should begin looking to help your body heal and find the cause to the thyroid problem.
What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Hashimoto’s Disease
Finally, I want to discuss Hashimoto’s disease. Most experts agree that Hashimoto’s is the No. 1 cause of hypothyroidism in this country. Hashimoto’s is actually an autoimmune disorder, where the body mistakenly attacks the thyroid, preventing it from making enough hormones.
The typical treatment for Hashimoto’s is prescribing the patient a synthetic thyroid hormone (Levothyroxine, Synthroid, etc.). When you add synthetic thyroid hormone to the body the thyroid could stop the production of its natural hormones, and as a result, the thyroid gland will shut down its own hormone production. The problem is this treatment does NOTHING to address the cause. Instead, the autoimmune disease continues to progress and leads to more and more health problems. The reason why we have such great success with Thyroid conditions is because the holistic lab testing that we’ve developed helps to identify the underlying cause to the thyroid problem.
The Path to Total Wellness
As you can see, there are some very big problems with the current standard medical approaches to both testing for and treating hypothyroidism. But there’s hope with a holistic approach to thyroid health!
Here are several of the patients that I’ve seen who have successfully recovered their health after significant thyroid problems.
I lost 60 pounds and 3 sizes!!! I also avoided going on thyroid medication. Anxiety and depression are MUCH improved! ~Melanie
I’m off medication for hypothyroidism! I lost 42 pounds, my energy has returned, and I sleep better!!! ~Cindy C.
I lost 40 pounds! I’m off my thyroid medication and I have my energy back!!! ~Amy R.
What to Expect with Holistic Care through Alternacare
Many people ask what they can do, because they have these common symptoms of thyroid disease, but their doctor dismisses it, or doesn’t know how to help. I’m a little biased, but I believe a doctor that understands the traditional and holistic lab procedures and most importantly understand the 40+ different causes to thyroid problems is the right place to start.
I have patients that live in 30+ other states and 14 other countries. The way it works is this: we do a very, very comprehensive consultation with a patient and they fill out a health survey as well. That gives us a pretty good clue as to which one of the 40+ things that can cause thyroid dysfunction the person is dealing with.
We then will recommend labs that will help to confirm our suspicions and narrow in on the potential underlying cause to the thyroid stress. A simple lab kit is sent to their home and they follow the simple instructions and complete the lab from the comfort of their own home.
Once they send the lab kit in and their samples get analyzed, we have more of an understanding as to what is wrong with their body and where their symptoms are coming from. We review the lab findings with them and then create a customized, one of a kind health care program for each patient. They then start the first step on their program that will often have a few nutritional supplements and an eating program in it.
We will follow up with them in a few weeks and then discuss their progress and the next step to their program which may contain an entirely different eating program. Since each person is unique it is their own personalized program.
Are you searching for help with frustrating health and thyroid symptoms? I’d love to help. I work with many patients all over the world long distance (to learn more on that, click here).
My Very Best,
Dr. Rob
Do You Have More Questions?
Thank you SO much Dr. Rob for sharing your insights with us, and for your passion for helping others to achieve their best health.
Want to know more about the thyroid? Feel free to ask Dr. Rob below in the comments.
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Hi Dr Rob, do you treat any of your patients with Westhoid Pure Natur, or armour?
Thank you. great info.
Welcome 🙂
I have what I believe is a non-functioning thyroid, that is most likely hereditary (my mom, her brother, and father all had thyroid cancer and Hashimotos and I have a first cousin who is like me and basically has no thyroid hormones). With this family history, would it be worth it to investigate if there is a root cause, or am I destined to always rely on medication? I currently take Nature Throid, a pretty high dose. I am just really wanting to lose weight and be healthy, but have gained 10 pounds in the last year with my trying to lose. Feeling concerned…
Thank you for sharing all this information. I have been to my primary care doctor who did a thyroid panel, as well as other blood tests, but everything came back in “normal” ranges. I asked both my PC and my OB/GYN to order a hormone panel, but neither will. I’m at a loss of what to do with all my symptoms. I did fill out the online health evaluation, and I hope that a phone consult will at least point me in the right direction.
Gwen, thank you for sharing all this with us. It’s a great encouragement to know there is someone out there who possibly can help!
You’re welcome, Rebekah! I prodded Dr. Rob to write for us, and told him that this information is just NOT out there! 🙂 There’s so much hope when you start understanding the connections in health. 🙂
Hey Dr Rob and Gwen! Would hypothyroidism still be at play if I have almost all the symptoms except weight gain? I actually have much more of a problem with losing too much weight (yes, it can be a real issue). Any thoughts appreciated.
Hi Dr. Rob,
I have been trying to find out my whole life what has been wrong with me and have had several tests for my thyroid only to be told it was normal. My mother is on thyroid medication and so is my sister. I even tried to tell the Dr. that my sister told me to test T3 and T 4 and he assured me it was within normal range. So I dropped the topic and just figured the fatigue and back pain is just my life. In the last five years I feel I am in complete adrenal failure and feeling tremendous fatigue and leg pain with Edema. I have almost all of the symptoms on your site and have suffered hormone imbalance since I was 15 with extremely severe menstral craps which was treated with the pill. This I believe led to varicose vein surgery at the age of 22 one of which was the worst case the doctor has ever seen in a person of my age. I will be 50 years old in April and just figured it is menopause but lately feeling really low and overall depressed about having no energy to do what I want and in pain all the time.
There is too much to list but I think this gives a brief overview of what I have been experiencing . I finally booked an appointment with Dr because my husband can see I’m not myself but I have no confidence I will get any help. I saw your article on Pinterest and decided to email you.
Thank you
Cathy Pennino
Hi Cathy, let me first start off by saying I really feel for you. You have been dealing with this for a very long time and I’m sure it has been very frustrating to not find the true answer to what has been ailing you. Here’s what I can say, 1. there is absolutely a cause to the symptoms that you have. 2. There are many things, LIKE OVER 40 DIFFERENT THINGS that can be wrong with your thyroid gland and it not show up in medical blood work. Some cases are very easy. You run the standard labs, you see what’s wrong and then you handle accordingly Other cases can be more complex. That takes a very careful analysis of the situation and a very in depth approach. By the sounds of it you are the complex one in this story :-)……..Cathy, I strongly recommend you going to my website and filling out the Free Online Health Evaluation. There are two evaluations the express and the comprehensive… should fill out the comprehensive. Then one of my expert staff will call you and review the results.
Do well and I look forward to talking with you soon 🙂
Dr. Rob
How do we get in touch or find doctors in the area such as Dr. Rob.
I found Dr. Rob through the recommendation of a friend, but also check out the website. They have a practitioner search feature that’s super helpful. 🙂, I want more info I have been on thyroid meds for 21 yrs I want
To feel better. Symptoms same as described
Hi Ana, I’m so sorry I’m responding so late to this post. I didn’t realize that people were still commenting.
It can get so discouraging to have health problems I know. I think a great place for you to start would be this page. I think it will give you an understanding as to how I could help.
What can be done for those of us who received RAI as treatment for Graves’ or Hasi’s? I see every “ologist” there is and no one can help me achieve better health.
Hi Beth, I’m so sorry I’m responding so late to you. I didn’t know that people were still posting.
Autoimmune disorders have a cause just like all health problems. Many times it’s a toxicity or GI issue and other times it has to do with food sensitivities and other issues.
It can get so discouraging to have health problems I know. I think a great place for you to start would be this page. I think it will give you an understanding as to how I could help.
My Best,
Dr. Rob
I need your help. I’ve been on synthetic med school since cell 2014! NOT WORKING!!!!!
I NEED this! Help!
Hi Tawnya, I’m so sorry I’m responding so late to this post. I didn’t realize that people were still commenting and I can’t personally get notified when a person does post. I’ll start checking more often.
I know it can get so discouraging to have health problems that are not resolving. I think a great place for you to start would be this page. I think it will give you an understanding as to how I could help.
My Best,
Dr. Rob
Dr. Rob,
I had 90 percent of mythyroid taken out 8 months ago. I am feeling no better. My medicine has been changed several times. I still do not sleep, tired, mood swings, and gaining weight. My symptoms have not changed.I take levothyroxine 112. What questions do I need to ask my endo?
Hi Sherry,
I’m so sorry I’m responding so late to this post. I didn’t realize that people were still commenting and I can’t personally get notified when a person does post. I’ll start checking more often.
I know it can get so discouraging to have health problems that are not resolving.
I’d ask your endo why you have a thyroid problem…..what caused it. Then ask what can we do to get my body to heal the problem.
If you want more information on how we help people I think this page would be great for you.
Hi, i am in Mexico and i couldn´t do this
I am 54 year old female with a family history of thyroid disease (maternal g-mother w/thyroid cancer, mother w/hypothyroidism and tumors on parathyroid and father with large mass on thyroid). I have EVERY symptom of hypothyroidism and some strange symptoms that I’ve never seen listed. Could have some other issues besides hypothyroidism I suppose but at any rate, I feel like I dying a slow miserable death. I have a golf ball size lump on my thyroid and have had two biopsy that resulted in “suspicious but inconclusive”. My labs are always “beautiful” with the exception of high cholesterol but we all know that’s a symptom of hypothyroidism. Because my TSH is “normal” docs won’t do anything. Please help me. Thank you!
Hi Penny,
Not every doctor understands how to diagnose or treat thyroid dysfunction…TSH is not in itself the only credible diagnostic test. With your family history and symptoms, I’d look for a practitioner who has more experience and success with thyroid issues.
Hi Penny, I’m so sorry I’m responding so late to this post. I didn’t realize that people were still commenting and I can’t personally get notified when a person does post. I’ll start checking more often.
There is so much to know about the thyroid and what “normal” really is. I know it can get so discouraging to have health problems that are not resolving. I think a great place for you to start would be this page. I think it will give you an understanding as to how I could help.
My Best,
Dr. Rob
Hi Dr Rob,
I had thyroid canser and had my thyroid removed and radiation treatment, i still have problems most of all weight gain, i also have parathyroid issues. I would be interested in your opinion.
Thank you Liz
Hi Liz,
Wow, sounds like you have been and are still going through a lot.
I don’t really have an opinion here as there is a lot that I would need to know about you. I think a great place for you to start would be this page. I think it will give you an understanding as to how I could help.
My Best,
Dr. Rob
Thanks for the great info. I’ve been searching for at least twenty years for help. The information that you just provided has helped so much. My labs have always came back normal but I have a lot of the symptoms that you were describing. I am currently taking a bioidentical hormone replacement and that has helped a lot with the mood swings, but I still have very dry skin, hair loss, Brittany nails, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, migraines, wait gain. I’ve tried every diet out there. I’ve been to dietitians and would lose 35 – 40 lbs only to reach a point where I would start gaining instead of losing and be accused of cheating and be so discouraged I would quit trying. Your info made me see I’m not crazy or just trying to find something wrong with me. Thanks so much
<3 It helps SO much to work with a doctor who knows which labs to order, and how to read them. :) Best wishes for this being your year of progress toward recovered health!
My endo put me on kelp, vitamin A, and B. I do not understand exactly why. Dr. ROB what do you think ?
Hi Sherry,
The person to ask that question to would certainly be your endo… Without a full history, lab review and good understanding of what is going on with your body it would be hard for me to say.
Thank you so much for this information. I live in Madrid/Spain and wonder if you can recommend me a place where to go to in order to get a right analysis. Since many years I suffer from many of the mentioned problems, but every analysis that I got showed a nicely working thyroid. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your answer.
Hi Marlene,
I actually have a patient that lives in Spain! I don’t know anyone over there but you can certainly work with us long distance. Just go to my website at and fill out the health evaluation. We’ll set you up on a secure video chat call. We have people that live in 14 other countries so this won’t be a problem.
Please, not enderstand ,, No speak english,,, please information french, Tank you
female 61 years ols and suffering a lot
Do you accept insurance, or are you a strictly cash basis practishioner.
I am interested in finding out more.
I am lucky enough to have a holistic office near me, if I take them this article, would they be able to do the tests and create the diet I need? I have been thinking of trying them because my Doctor has ignored my complaints and have just told me I need to lose weight, which I have tried for four years and I just can’t .
I had my thyroid removed 13 years ago. I take levothyroxine daily. As I understand it I am now hypothyroid, where before surgery I was hyperthyroid. I look just like the before picture :(. Also, my nails, which were always thick and very strong are now brittle and ridged. So, the info I read was about people with a thyroid. Is there help for me without a thyroid?
Thank you for taking the time to share with us, and Gwen for hosting! I have the same question as another lady on here. Do you accept insurance? Is the lab work usually covered by insurance?
Hi Dr. Rob, my father suffers from chronic pain. He is diabetic (not insulin dependent). He has been tested for numerous ailments and everything comes back negative. He is a Vietnam vet exposed to agent orange. He currently relies on pain meds, but they do not do enough to allow him to live the active life he longs for. He continues to gain weight. Do you think you’d be able to find the source of his pain? He said to me recently, “I’d really like to know the cause of my pain before I die.” It is very hard to convince him to explore new help when he has spent so much time and money resulting in continued pain and hopelessness.
HI Dr. Rob! Trying to figure out what’s wrong with me at age 67. 38 years ago, I had 1/2 of my thyroid removed due to hyperactivity and a benign nodule. No meds were prescribed then or since. I’ve experienced exhaustion, fatigue, dry skin, change in taste buds, weight gain, and more recently, high cholesterol and BP. I’ve asked many PCPs along the way to do more specialized thyroid testing than the typical testing. None would do so, saying the regular test was normal. I just started going to a cardiologist who started me on some meds for the high BP, but symptoms I’ve reported to him have led him to think thyroid problems may be involved. He told me that it would be hard to control my BP unless we work with the thyroid too. So he ordered TSH and Free T4 tests. I haven’t taken the tests as yet but am truly hoping that my cardiologist can help me after checking out this info. I am concerned that, if the tests come back normal, I don’t know where to go from there. I haven’t felt really well for a very long time and if there’s a possibility that my thyroid is what’s contributing to my overall malaise, I’d surely like a shot at it. My daughter is due with her first child in January and I’d really like to feel better so I can enjoy and be active with this baby. Any feedback you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
How much will it cost to find out what is wrong with me?
Hi, Dr. Rob
I don’t know if you have considered this in your research, but my experience has been related to water quality. I have had to live in Iowa for the last few years in order to settle a relative’s estate. At first I was drinking the tap water here, filtering it with a filter pitcher, thnking that was all that was necessary. I began to have serious health problems, such as weight gain, hair loss, thinning eyebrows, papery skin, reversed menopause (including horrendously heavy bleeding) and excessive sleep–up to 20 hours a day. I don’t have a doctor down here no insurance coverage to be seen here.
I didn’t chalk it up to the water until our goldfish turned from bright orange to silver. The pet store told us to test the water with a specialized kit, and the nitrates were OFF THE CHARTS–40-80 parts per million, FAR above the “dangerous” level in humans (10+ parts per million).
After we discovered this, we started using only spring water that we purchased, and knew the source of. I got a lot better, and so did the fish, but I have never returned to the health I had before this happened. I’m slowly trying to work my way back to “my old self” using holistic/herbal methods. NOT easy. Taking kelp helps a lot, and I’m working with green tea, hemp oil flax seed oil, and trying to eat a diet of foods that help the thyroid.
Have you included investigating water quality in your research, and if so, what have been your findings?
3 years ago I was diagnosed with a thyroid cancer and removed my thyroid. I have many of the symptoms as well as weight gain. Can this help me too? I’m wondering because I lack a thyroid
I’ve had thyroid problems from age 21 on I am now almost 59, and I’m not sure my pcp is treating it properly. However I don’t make a lot of money so my question is how much does all this cost?
Thank you! Naomi
I have all the symptoms! Please help! I’m losing my hair ????
Hi I’ve got an underactive thyroid.i take 125 mcg levethyroxine tabs for past 13 years.i started on 50mcg and then slowly doctor increased to 125mcg over the years.ive also got high blood pressure,PCOS,infertility,body aches,arthritis always in pain feeling stiff also overweight have brain fog feeling sluggish tired moody generally also recently been getting oral thrush. Can I come off levothyroxine?also I take painkillers and 4 meds to control my blood pressure
Where’s your office located please
I have it try to lose weight don’t eat much. Get tried too
When I am not hungry or skip meals too often, my metabolism tanks out.
Hi, I tick nearly all of the symptom boxes yet my doctor says bloods come back normal. Is there some way I can get a more in depth test? I’m in the uk
Also what natural remedies could I take to help my thyroid?
Mi hija y yo tenemos hipotiroidismo
Dr. Rob; The picture is of me that you have there! The problem is they removed my thyroid and than my Dr. Said that there were enough pieces that I didn’t need my meds so took me off ! My hair fell out I gained a 100 pounds that I can’t get rid of I’m back on meds ! I’m now in pain above my kidneys !! Help me, please!!!
Hi Dr. Rob,
I have many, many of the above symptoms and my Dr. has told me all of my levels are “normal”. I am on thyroid medication.
How can I sign up with you?
Thank you,
Ginny Moran
What is the average cost?
I’m 33 I have hashimoto since I was 15 I was younger then it was never an issue until now where hormones have changed and now I can’t lose weight even when I cut out all carbs not even 1 lb. It’s very frustrating my hair has fallen out in handfuls I don’t sleep ever and I’m always super sleepy I have a meeting w a Dr next month and I’m nervous about starting a pill or something that’s gonna make me worse off… what do I do
Would like to find out how to get the test.
Please help me! I take thyroid meds (120mg armor) and i still have ALL of the symptoms. No matter what i do i cannot lose weight…i am losing my hair really badly etc. Like i said i have all the symptoms. What do i do? Can you help me? Im exhausted all the time and i can’t remember anything. I’m tired of feeling like this. Please!
Thank you,
I’m experiencing the above symptoms of Hypothyroidism, however I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism in 2010 with normal TSH readings……please help!
If I am interested in your services where do I go to connect?
Just a couple questions. Dr Rob, you seem very knowledgable in thyroid disease. Where did you attend medical school? Are you board certified in endocrinology? A recognized member of the American Thyroid Association? It seems fair to provide this information to the readers prior to giving medical advice.
Hi Olivia,
I interviewed Dr. Rob here and he tells about his credentials, experience, and education. 🙂
Also, this post doesn’t offer medical advice. 🙂
I have hypothyroidism and am on daily meds,but still have all thesE symptoms. What Can I Do To STOP MY Hair From thinning, To Lose weight, To Not be exhausted all the time, the brain fog, etc…
I have 3/4 of my thyroid removed. I am on snythroid and my lab work is never be right in 17 years. My life is awful, I am never happy. I have so my problems my dr says I’m bipolar. I don’t believe any of this is true, that I have been misdiagnosed and it is in my medical records so any dr I talk to just chalks it up to being bipolar. I’m very frustrated and would love to prove my dr wrong. Please help
What if you don’t have a thyroid? Mine was taken out because of thyroid cancer.
Cost please?
I am interested to explore if I have this problem as I have been struggleing for a long time now. How do we move forward and what are the prices please.
I have several of the for mentioned markers and have had negative lab testing from my pcp. I am interested in finding out the cost and more information.
How much is this remedy and treatment gonna cost? I’m having so many of the symptoms you listed and I’m very low income. I haven’t worked for 2 years because of my migraines and I have them every day. Disability is hard to come by…
After reading this I’m convinced something is wrong with my thyroid. I have had it tested several times and everything comes back normal but I’m tired, down in the dumpers, lots of weight gain, hair coming out, etc. I hired a trainer and a Nutritionist to help me lose weight but I haven’t lost a lb and it’s been over 7 weeks. I ate fairly healthy prior to meeting with nutritionist and she confirmed but just made some minor changes. Anyway, I had a cell test and it turned out I was gluten intolerant, so I have done my best to eliminate it completely from my diet. I would love to know if there is someone locally I could go see to get to the root of the problem. Please any help would be appreciated.
What do you go off your pills ,or what do you take? How to loose weight my problem.
I would love for you to help me as I feel as though this article was about me…I have every single one of those symptoms with a normal TSH.
I really need the help, anything you can do would be most appreciated.
Hi Keri,
I’m happy to help you. Sounds like your thyroid or some portion of your endocrine system is certainly out of balance if you are experiencing all those symptoms . The first step for you would be to go to my website and fill out the Free Online Health Evaluation.
This will help us get more information about your body. We can then do a Free Consultation and cover the results and explain more on how we can help, costs and answer any additional questions.
I’m looking forward to helping you.
My Best,
Dr. Rob 🙂
Great article and it’s true – my GP doesn’t want to go beyond “prescribing Levothyroxine”. I’m on it but not feeling any better and still have lots of symptoms. I would like to get on a programme which will help to get my body back to its natural state of health. Just doesn’t seem to be anything here in the aUK!
I have had my thyroid removed due to a multi no dial goiter. It has been at least ten years and I still feel terrible. Weight gain depression pretty much all the symptoms lisited. I am on 137 mcg. Of levothyroxine and my doctor will not increase the dose. I am at a loss as to what to do.
Hi Melanie,
It sounds like you are really going through a lot. I’m sorry to hear this. There is a possibility that I could help you but I’m unsure. I need a bit more information. The first step for you would be to go to my website and fill out the Free Online Health Evaluation.
This will help us get more information about your body. We can then do a Free Consultation with my Certified Nutritional Counselor and wife Pam and get the full picture. Based on this we can let you know if we could help and what we could really do.
I’m looking forward to helping you.
My Best,
Dr. Rob 🙂
I’ve been referred to an endocrinologist since the thyroid medication I’m currently taking is not getting us the results were looking for. Please share with me how I may learn more about your treatment costs, etc… thank you very much. I greatly appreciate the effort you make to help so many.
Hi Jo Lyn,
I’m happy to help you. The first step for you would be to go to my website and fill out the Free Online Health Evaluation.
This will help us get more information about your body. We can then do a Free Consultation and cover the results and explain more on how we can help, costs and answer any additional questions.
I’m looking forward to helping you.
My Best,
Dr. Rob 🙂
Please fix the spelling errors. It’s hard to take a supposed medical article serious when there’s spelling errors. Also can you back up your claims with scientific evidence?
*I think you meant there’re 😉
Dear Doctor Rob. The mentioned symptoms are almost identical to mine. I’ve been battling for quite some time and need your valuable assistance . Tired , hair loss , lack of energy ,etc
What do you recommend that I do .
Hi Rosetta,
I’m happy to help you. Sounds like your thyroid is certainly out of balance. The first step for you would be to go to my website and fill out the Free Online Health Evaluation.
This will help us get more information about your body. We can then do a Free Consultation and cover the results and explain more on how we can help, costs and answer any additional questions.
I’m looking forward to helping you.
My Best,
Dr. Rob 🙂
Hi rob my tsh 5.3 my weight 66kg 24yrs old please help my weight loss and thyroid problem i take tablet thyronum 100mg how to my weight loss
Hi Tharani,
I’m happy to help you. Sounds like your thyroid is certainly out of balance. The first step for you would be to go to my website and fill out the Free Online Health Evaluation.
This will help us get more information about your body. We can then do a Free Consultation and cover the results and explain more on how we can help, costs and answer any additional questions.
I’m looking forward to helping you.
My Best,
Dr. Rob 🙂
Hi Tharani,
I’m happy to help you! Sounds like your thyroid is certainly out of balance. The first step for you would be to go to my website and fill out the Free Online Health Evaluation.
This will help us get more information about your body. We can then do a Free Consultation and cover the results and explain more on how we can help. The great thing is right now we have a tremendous amount of discounts available to new and existing patients. .
I’m looking forward to helping you.
My Best,
Dr. Rob 🙂
I would love to try something new. I have taken Synthetic for 25 years…. I still struggle and can’t seem to lose weight or feel good.
Hi Peggy, I’m so sorry for my delay in response. I just saw this now. Well, you are in luck if you are still looking to try something new. This time of year we have huge savings for patients where they are paying in some instances 50% off the normal prices. If you’d like help or more information please visit my website
I feel like I fall under most of these symptoms.
Hi Dr. Rob,
I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. As ive read the this article.. symptoms are the same?
Would like to know the difference of hyper and hypo?
Hope you could give clarification on this.
Hi Grace, Hypo is an underproduction of T4 and Hyper is an overproduction of T4. For some patients they can have very similar symptoms due to a phenomenon called receptor up and down regulation. There are connections between the liver and adrenal that can sometime contribute to the similarity of symptoms.
Hi Mary,
I’m so sorry that you have been going through all this. I can tell that you have really been struggling. I work with patients in Arizona all the time and my aunt, uncle and cousins live in Mesa I believe. I would be happy to work with you. The first step would be to go to my website and fill out the free online weight and health evaluation. Then Pam, my wife and Certified Nutritional Counselor, will call you to take your history and review your health evaluation to explain more on how we can help. Also, this time of year we have all types of specials which would be great for you. I hope we start helping you soon!
How is it possible to have a TSH of 0.5 but not be losing weight?
Hi Justice,
There are various hormones that cause you to store or burn fat. Sometimes it has nothing to do with the thyroid but with these other hormones. There are many other factors that can impair a person’s ability to lose weight. Basically, if you are not losing weight there is something wrong with your body.
The first step for you would be to go to my website and fill out the Free Online Health Evaluation.
This will help us get more information about your body. We can then do a Free Consultation and cover the results and explain more on how we can help, costs and answer any additional questions. The good thing is this time of year we have a tremendous amount of discounts to make care more accessible to everyone.
I’m looking forward to helping you.
My Best,
Dr. Rob 🙂
What kind of meal plans are involved? Will I have to get special stuff from 5 different stores? That is probably the most frustrating thing when it comes to weight loss or being on a meal plan for me. I need to loose about 80 pounds and have been on thyroid meds for about 8 years. I have many of the symptoms described abouve.
Dear Rob,
I have hashimotos, but half my thyroid glad was removed…would I be able to ever get myself off thyroid meds
Hi Doc I’m having all these problems and more,so what can be done for me?im on levothroxyn but had radiation treatment at the beginning so now what’s going to happen next can I ever feel better and loose weight?
Hi Linda,
You can get in touch with Dr. Rob at his website, and fill out a health evaluation for a consultation with someone in their office.
I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and am currently taking 100mg of levothyroxine. I am still overweight and tired. How much does this actually cost. Please help.
Sick and tired.
Why am I breaking out in sweats all day? I take medicine for my thyroid and I still have symptoms.
Thank you
Do you have a recommendation for a diet for this thyroid problem.
I do not eat meat or chichen for about 46 years.
I don’nt know if this website is still active. The last post was 2015.
Hi Mark,
I’ve taken an unplanned hiatus from my blog, but I’ll be back. I would not consider diet to be the primary way to approach thyroid issues. The thyroid is a responsive gland, so unless there is actually a problem with the gland itself, you’ll want to find out what is causing the body to downregulate your energy for other things. Often, it can be an infection. Diet may play a part in an overall plan for recovery, but it’s not in and of itself the key.
I’m on 75 mg of leverthyoixe I excerise I go to gym and I can’t lose the weight I am 5’1and wight 216 I’m tired and always cold my dr said s my blood work is fine but I have tried other dr I still feel miserable I have struggle for 18 years I have really bad arthritis had knee replacement I be tried all diets and nothing seems to work
Do you offer help/treatment to patients in the UK?
Hi Dr Robert,
Reading these symptoms is like describing myself! I have chronic back pain and crippling depression, for which I was retired out of the NHS.
I take 3600mg of Gabapentin, 400mg of Tramadol, 75mg Amatryptaline and 100mg Sertraline daily, just to cope.
I had screening for hyperthyroidism, but the results showed that I have low level “hyperthyroidism! ”
I know that I’m not in the USA, but I’m at my whits end!
I’d be greatful for your thoughts, thank you!
Hi Karen,
So sorry to be responding so late to your comment. Dr. Rob isn’t available to comment on my blog, but you can look him up at his practice, Alternacare, in Newnan, GA. 🙂
I am diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and am overweight and don’t know what to do.
These are my symptoms to the “T”: what do I need to do?
Hi, I am currently on levothytoxine but feel my symptoms are not improving. My doctor only tests for T4. I am in England can you recommend anywhere privately that I could get some further tests done for T3 etc. I live in the south. I would appreciate any help. Thankyou Tracey
Hi Tracey,
Dr Rob works with patients all over the world from his practice, Alternacare, in Newnan, GA. You can also find Functional Medicine doctors by your postal code on the website
I have several questions! I have a family history of thyroid disease. Both parents, 3 sisters 2 brothers. I have a multi nodule goiter and several stumors on my thyroid. Drs say I’m fine, blood work fine. Healthy as a horse. But I’m not. I’ve gained 69 pounds, cholesterol is high, heart palpitations, low grade fever, dry cracked skin, sinus infection that won’t go away. Hair that won’t grow and falls out. Nausea,bowel issues. Anxiety, mood swings. I truly believe it’s my thyroid. What do you think? I have tried so many diets and can’t loose weight. My Drs are fed up with me cause I won’t take all the anxiety meds or depression meds. They just say your obese go to a nutritionist. I’m about to just give up. I can feel myself getting worse. I’m scared.
Hi Myrna,
I also had multiple issues that my doctors didn’t know what to do with, aside from prescriptions…that’s why I was willing to give functional medicine a try, and I had great results. It’s a different approach to overall health. Bless you on your journey…don’t give up! <3
Hi Dr Rob . I live in South Africa . In December 2016 i was admitted to hospital with severe headaches etc . They did brain MRI , neck MRI , bloodtests like crazy . It was discovered i have sleep apnea . I now have a apap machine . Ive had a few ecg heart stress tests . All comes back ok . I feel fatigue and dizzy almost all the time . Ive ask for a thyroid test and im told its all ok . Euthyrodism they say . Please advise . Please reply to my email.
I am going through menopause currently take testosterone and estrogen they say my thyroid is fine but I am tired all the time I work out 5 to 6 days a week can’t lose anyway and just exhausted a meal plan and eat well
Dear Dr. Rob,
Hello, my name is Britney Ford. I am 29 years old, just 8 years ago I was 120 lbs. As of today, 5/15/2018, I weigh a whopping 240 lbs and am only 5’3. So I am classified as morbidly obese. 🙁 I am always tired, severely depressed and my anxiety levels habe been through the roof for over 4 years now. I recently a dew months ago, started eating healthier and exercising, yet I can not loose a single pound! I unfortunately like mamy other Americans, do not have medical insurance. Hence my following question to you, how much would it cost to see a Dr. Preferably a holistic Dr. ? I am truly at a loss and want nothing more than to be healthy, and most importantly, HAPPY again. If there is any advice you can relay, I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you and God bless,
Britney Ford
Hi Britney,
Dr. Rob isn’t available to comment on posts on my blog, but you can contact him with questions at Alternacare, his practice in Newnan, GA.
Please help me…… I in a slow downward spiral and no doctor will listen to me. I would love to get more information from your practice.
Dr. Rob isn’t available to comment on posts on my blog, but you can contact him with questions at Alternacare, his practice in Newnan, GA.
I literally have every one of these symptoms. I have been struggling for years. My blood work is “fine.” Where do I find you?
Dr. Rob runs Alternacare in Newnan, GA.
Hi Dr Rob!
I have Graves disease per my labs but have all the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Ever heard of such a thing or any ideas on how to help?
Hi Brittany,
Dr. Rob isn’t available to comment on posts on my blog, but you can contact him with questions at Alternacare, his practice in Newnan, GA.
Where do I find out more information about how I can get these tests done?
Hi Shelley,
Dr. Rob isn’t available to comment on posts on my blog, but you can contact him with questions at Alternacare, his practice in Newnan, GA.
What is involved in the lab kit that is done at home? Is this eatment plan covered by Medicare?
Very helpful info I was diagnosed today! I will like to get in contact with Dr Rob
Hi Lynnel,
Dr. Rob isn’t available to comment on posts on my blog, but you can contact him with questions at Alternacare, his practice in Newnan, GA.
I had thyroid cancer and my thyroid removed. So they keep my Synthroid so that I am Hypothyroid all the time–I am told this is a measure to help determine if the cancer is coming back. I am tired all the time, crave sweets, have all the above mentioned symtoms. I really don’t eat much bread–eat pretty healthy except for the sweet cravings. Any suggestions?
Hi Susan,
Dr. Rob isn’t available to comment on posts on my blog, but you can contact him with questions at Alternacare, his practice in Newnan, GA.
Thanks for sharing these symptoms with us. I would share this information with my cousin. I hope it will help her.
Dr. Rob,
I have almost all of these symptoms. I’ve had a full thyroid panel and told that my numbers are low but not low enough to treat. No weight loss plans work for me I will lose a small amount of weight and then it just stops. I was sent to a specialist that told me I have Fibromyalgia. Is there any connection between low thyroid and fibromyalgia?
Hi Carisa,
Dr. Rob isn’t available to comment on posts on my blog, but you can contact him with questions at Alternacare, his practice in Newnan, GA.
I’m on Levothroid eat healthy and was exercising regular. I never lose weight or inches. I’m tired, never have energy. Hair is thinning, feels like my kidneys hurt
Hi Terry,
Dr. Rob isn’t available to comment on posts on my blog, but you can contact him with questions at Alternacare, his practice in Newnan, GA.
This is somewhat encouraging and yet more discouraging at the same time. I’ve been trying to get things taken care of for so long. I tried my endocrinologist who basically laughed me out of the office, then went through functional medicine doctor which was more of a money pit that actual help. I’ve spent thousands on lab work, supplements, and armour thyroid with absolutely no improvement. Now I’m out of money and out of hope.
I’m so sorry you’re having trouble finding someone to help you. Just like with teachers, doctors can be a good fit or not a good fit. They are not all equal. Many practioners look at the gland in exclusion of other body systems, and are simply trying to prop it up to bring lab ranges back in order. You want someone who has a holistic view of the body, and who understands the interconnected relationship of body systems and hormones. Sometimes the thyroid is simply responding to another issue that’s happening. That was the case for me. My thyroid and adrenals came back into normal range once I addressed the underlying health issues that showed up in my labs.
Healthcare can be SO expensive, and it’s crushing when you don’t see results for the investment. I pray that you find someone who can be of help to you in your journey. Don’t give up!
You didn’t mention thyroid nodules. I have some which were found benign, but they are starting to impair my swallowing, and at times breathing. Is there a way to make them go away without surgery?
Dr. Rob isn’t available to comment on posts on my blog, but you can contact him with questions at Alternacare, his practice in Newnan, GA.
Dr Rob I am a mess an would like to take your testing,I’m so tired of being in the normal range an feeling awful
Hi June,
Dr. Rob isn’t available to comment on posts on my blog, but you can contact him with questions at Alternacare, his practice in Newnan, GA.
How do it get in touch with Dr. Rob for treatment?
Hi Sybil, You can follow the links to his website or Google Alternacare in Newnan GA. He and his staff are amazing!
I’m 70 and have Hashimoto’s. I’ve been on Levothyroxine for years. Also antidepressants. I’m carrying an extra 30 pounds as well. Recently I developed Lichen Planus, an autoimmune disease. I’m worried about my body falling apart further when I’m still feeling good about the rest of my life. Can you help?
Sharon Scott
Hi Sharon,
If you’d like to get in touch with Dr. Rob, you can follow the links above or Google search Alternacare in Newnan, GA.
Hi, Dr. Rob!
My husband needs help. He hurts all the time, is constantly tired, can’t lose weight, has high blood pressure…you get the picture. We live in the Boise, ID area and would love to know how we can get help for him.
Thank you!
Need help.
I’m so tried of being tired and the wieght is to much.
Thank you BA
Hi Dr Rob,
Would love to be tested. I have a lot of these thyroid issues even though my tests always come back fine.
Hi Sheri! Dr. Rob isn’t available to comment on posts on my blog, but you can contact him with questions at Alternacare, his practice in Newnan, GA.
I have all the symptoms you mentioned. I waver between losing then gaining back 5-10 lbs. I am tired and lethargic. I sleep well most days but I am on a C-PAP machine. I take Wellbutrin for depression.
I’m so sorry for your health struggles. I can relate.
If you want to contact Dr. Rob (I’m not affiliated…but have worked with him and love him), you can look up his practice, Alternacare in Newnan, GA. He was able to help me walk back out of a very complex series of health challenges. God bless!
Hello! I recently had my thyroid gland removed d/t papillary thyroid carcinoma. What do you suggest as far as thyroid replacement therapy? I am open to natural remedies.
Hi Allison, Dr. Rob isn’t available to comment on posts on my blog, but you can contact him with questions at Alternacare, his practice in Newnan, GA.
Dr Rob, does insurance cover these tests?
Dr. Rob isn’t available to respond to comments left on my blog, but you should be able to reach him or his helpful office staff at his practice in Newnan, GA- Alternacare.
IIRC, insurance does cover some testing, and you can actually ask to have them done through your GP, and share the results with your functional medicine doctor for them to customize your health plan. But not all of the holistic labs are covered.
I would wish to have more information. For years I’ve said I have a thyriod problem and all test come back ok… Bith my sisters are on thyriod meds and believe I have hosimoto ….I cant loose weifht no mater what I do and now my skin is so dry nothing I do makes it like the skin I had before very soft and healthy looking… Please help me I have about 40 of the systems…thank you if you can help me.
Hi Vanessa, Dr Rob isn’t available to respond to comments left on my blog, but you can reach him through his practice: Alternacare in Newnan, GA.
I believe i have a thyroid disorder, I think I have for years Ive asked my Dr several times about it she tested and said I was normal, but i literally have every symptom of it. What can I take to to help me with it when she wont test further
Look for a functional medicine doctor! Even doctors who specialize in thyroid will often focus on the thyroid as the cause, when it is often responding to something else happening in the body. You can look up Dr. Rob at Alternacare in Newnan, GA.
Feel bad all the time. Diagnosed with hashimotos in 2004. Am on synthroid and my md only tests tsh. My tongue feels like it no longer fits in my mouth. The sides hurt all the time. Dry mouth, dry skin, constipated Athough taking linzess for ibsc. Dealing with depression, anxiety, fibro, chronic fatigue. I have many other symptoms. I tell my doctor but i dont think he knows what to do. I am going to start gluten free today and no fruit. I have non alcoholic fatty liver disease and i worry about eating alot of protein and fat. I need to lose weight and i can but i just gain it right back. Help
Hi Connye,
You have a lot going on, and I’m sending my best wishes for your health journey. If you’d like to contact Dr. Rob, who wrote this article with me, he’s at Alternacare in Newnan, GA.