Our poet on a bad day.
But now, at the tender age of 8, he’s begun spontaneously composing poetry out loud, then writing them down in rough drafts and typing them into the computer himself. He adds dedications, and even plays around with fonts. We are impressed!
Without further adeiu, here is one of his latest poems, complete with original font selections:
Mr. and Miss
Miss Annie Brown came into town.
Mr. David Less admired her gown.
Mr. David Less smiled so sweet
That Miss Annie Brown gave him a treat.
“Thank you!” He said, “And how do you do?”
“Very well,” said she “now that I’ve met you.”
Mr. David Less said, “Will you marry me?”
She said “Yes, of course, now that I’ve met thee.”
The honeymoon was wonderful, as honeymoons should be.
they were both happy, so soon there were three.
Can I just say that I have concerns about where he gets his poetic inspiration…I think maybe the Mother Goose book?
I love this!! Reminded me of Dr. Sues books. Very talented!