My Grandma taught me how to grease a pan. You can learn a lot of amazing kitchen tips from the generation that lived through the great depression. I think of her whenever I unwrap a stick of butter. She would scrape all that extra butter off, OR…
fold it (butter side in) and stash it in the freezer. I have started stashing mine in a zipper bag. The next time you need to grease a pan…
grab a butter paper and unfold it. Voila! An instant perfectly sized pan-greaser! The frozen bits of butter are all you’ll need to grease up a cake pan or two. The heat from your hands melts it quickly.
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Thank you, Grandma for such a practical and easy lesson in frugality!This Kitchen Tip is brought to you by Tammy’s Recipes…check out her blog every Tuesday for more great kitchen tips!

that’s great!! I’m going to start doing that!