Storing out of season clothes was my nemesis when it came time to do clothing swap. Of course, I get downright giddy when bags of nice hand-me-downs are passed my way, and just as giddy to pass along our gently used items when we’re done. And, I loved the convenience and money saving aspects of having what I needed on hand. At least I *think* I may have what I need? To really know, I’d have to dig through each tubs of out of season clothes. *sigh*
The storage and managing of all of this for my four kids, however does NOT make me giddy. I pretty much dreaded seasonal clothing swap time. My sweet husband built some large bin shelving for me, which is SO nice! Just being able to pull out a bin when I need to put something away helped tremendously. It’s almost like a giant set of drawers!

*face palm*
But I have seen the light, friends! Thanks to my genius sister…and it’s called GIANT ZIPLOCK BAGS. These:
That’s right. You can usually find them on the top or bottom shelf where the ziplock containers and bags are sold in the grocery store. One package of 4 XL sized bags can store 4 seasons of clothing easily in one large tub. They are, in my most humble opinion, the gold standard of clothing tub organization. Behold!
basement is locked out. It took a while to sort through everything, and several packs of giant ziplock bags, but the finished product is EVERY bit worth it.
Here it is after I finished: a vertical file, if you will, of seasonal and age appropriate clothing. THIS makes me giddy!
The grow into shoes are now stored in flat tubs under the bed, which gave us a lot more room in the bins as well.
Sending out a HUGE thank you to my sister. You’ve given me back hours of my life for each clothing swap season, and saved me lots of frustration with this BEST ever trick for storing out of season clothes!
Hope that you and yours have a very happy and organized clothes swap day(s)! If you’ve got a favorite organization trick for out of season clothing, please let me know in the comments.
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