Behold the Greek spice blend recipe of destiny. I know this is technically “cheat” blogging, since this is the first recipe I ever posted on my blog here, but the photographs were SO awful, that I went back and added some decent pictures. The Greek dressing recipe deserves decent pictures. It is life-changing. If you’ve…
Dear Diary…
My grumpy bedtime Viking My little guy is talking a LOT now! As busy as he is when he’s playing and carrying out his raids, he is a sweetie when he’s sleepy. “Mommynuggles” is required before night-night time. This dirty look is for his paparazzi sister. He’s loving boats and “moko-bike-kickles” and his “Gandaddy.” And…
Thrift Find…Crazy Keepsake!
I landed a thrift find yesterday that makes my heart sing! I’ll give you a hint…it will look great on me this winter. It matches everything I own, and in fact, it will also fit the rest of my family members as well! It’s hand stitched, and I’ve wanted one like this ever since I…
Chili Mix Recipe
A homemade Chili Mix recipe is something I put together every fall…I’ve been doing this for years, and not only does it save us a good bit of money from buying the premixed pouches, BUT I know exactly what’s in it, AND I can also tweak our mix to fit our spice preference. Win-win-win. This…
My DIY Magnesium Supplement: New & Improved
I’m excited to share my DIY Magnesium Supplement, and this is the new and improved version that I’ve been using! What makes it improved? Well, for one thing, you can use just plain carbonated water, which is pretty easy to find. No trying to figure out if this or that soda water has the right…
Magnesium Supplement Update and Q&A
Since starting the DIY magnesium supplement that I posted about a few weeks ago, I have had several (great!) questions, a few testimonials from others taking it, and I also wanted to let you know how it’s been going for my man and I. I’ve also played around with the basic recipe, and tried out…
I Crocheted A Viking Hat
I crocheted a Viking Hat …for a real Viking. He’s brave, daring, and makes frequent raids of destruction. He *needed* this hat. But apparently, Vikings are not necessarily fond of crochetedhead-gear. This little factoid was not mentioned in my How to Raise a Viking Manual. My bad. And if you force a Viking to wear…
Magnesium Supplements: a Great DIY Recipe
So, we’ve covered magnesium deficiency in my previous post, AND I promised to tell you about a DIY magnesium supplement, that is very bio-available (the body absorbs it easily and quickly). Many of the tablet forms of magnesium that you’ll find in multivitamins and supplements don’t really get absorbed very effectively…especially if the supplement has…