Tonight, I was pointing out that “I didn’t mean to!” is not an acceptable excuse for accidents. Especially accidents caused by frequently repeated carelessness, such as drowning a salad in so much dressing that it’s inedible. Not that any of my angels would ever do such a thing. So I was saying… “The intent or lack…
Kid Quotes: the Archives of my Firstborn Son
This little cowboy is about to be 8 years old. Good gracious, time doth fly. He is growing in strength and wisdom. Observe the sage advice offered from son to daughter just this evening: “One of the secrets to hiding is to hold your burps and poots.” I mean, that just makes a mother proud. He is…
Spring in the South
Warning…this post is slightly gross and creepy and crawley. Proceed at your own risk. Spring is my favorite time of year. The flowers bloom, the little birds all a twitter, the warm fresh smell of our garden as we ready it for planting. And the warm weather. Here in the South, we have beautiful, warm spring weather…
Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird are proud to announce that their babies have hatched… All five of the fluffy, wobbley headed, blind peepers… are very, very hungry. Please send worms and grubs.
Warm weather has arrived here at our house. We’ve had picnics And adventures, Shared moments in the shade And in the sun. The flowers are blooming, and the bugs aren’t out…yet. Life is good.
Kid Quotes
The kid quote of the day Brought to you by the pizza that “Looks like Mom when she yells at me.” Tonight, I overheard my boy singing Elvis: “You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog” “Just a rockin’ all the time.” “You’re an avacado onion, And you ain’t no friend of mine.”
My Girl
My girl is a lover of nature, of cats, of horses. She does not love shoes, nor boys, nor routine. This is her summer of being 10. Of exploring the back yard, and writing adventure stories. It’s the year when getting-poison-ivy-isn’t-that-bad-if-you-can-find-the-perfect-tree-to-sit-in-and-draw. And it’s my year to reflect on how few summers like this we have left…
More Bluebird Pictures
First, I’d like to introduce you to the lovely couple. Mr. Bluebird, whom you’ve seen before, is the showy dresser in the family. He’s very loyal and the defender of the turf. Mr. Bluebird does his share in taking care of his family, bringing food to his wife and babies. Mrs. Bluebird is more subtle in…