Is all cinnamon healthy? Well, yes and no. Look, I’m not here to smack your hands or check your cabinets. But when I discover something really cool that makes my food healthier and taste better, I want to tell you all about it! We all know cinnamon is a kitchen spice cabinet staple, and we love…
Making a Garlic Press
I’ve shared about garlic presses in a series I did a couple years ago on using garlic in home remedies. But I felt that this handy little trick needed its own post. Why Use a Garlic Press? Why is this so awesome? I’m glad you asked. First, you don’t have to actually eat or swallow…
Giving Thanks! A Breakthrough…
<my oldest holding the newest baby cousin> I feel good today! And for that I am VERY thankful! This is my third day of feeling very, very good. And I had a moment today that made me tear up with joy. I was helping my 4 year old straighten his room, and I glanced down…
More Than Writers Block
I’ve been playing hooky from my blog. All. Summer. Long. I’d love to say that I had writer’s block. But that’s not true. I’ve actually been writing, and have started several posts. The truth is, I was emotionally and glandularly worn out. My adrenals were not coping well with everyday life. Which is a mix…
Stevia: Good or Bad?
Stevia: good or bad? It’s a burning question that several health bloggers have tackled lately. So this Trim Healthy Tuesday, I thought I’d jump in and warn my readers of the DANGERS of stevia. Because really…that’s what these types of posts are all about, right? I realize that I’ve been remiss in taking advantage of…
Digestive Bitters Recipes Part 3
We’re talking digestive bitters recipes today, in part III of this series. In Part I, we talk about why you may really want to look at digestive bitters if you are needing to use probiotics, enzymes, or if you have weak or compromised digestions. In Part II, I shared some awesome resources to learn more…
Digestive Bitters 2: Resources, Links, & Brands
I introduced digestive bitters last week in part I of this series, and wanted to share several excellent resources, some of my favorite research links and articles, and some recommended (and NOT recommended) brands of digestive bitters this week. Let’s start with a short, informative video from Urban Moonshine with herbalist Guido Masé Digestive Bitters:…
Health Journey Part 6: Parathyroid Surgery
These past couple of weeks have flown by. One minute, I’m on the phone, scheduling a pre-op appointment, and the next, it seems that I’m sitting there in the office, waiting to see the surgeon. The beginning of a new year of homeschooling, consignment sale prep, getting to teach a Trim Healthy Mama class,…