My THM on the run snack bag is a work in progress, but I thought I’d share it today for those of you who just want or need to be prepared for last minute trips or emergencies. Now, I always keep my stevia in my purse, but a post from a midwife on the Trim Healthy Mama Facebook group really got me thinking. She asked what types of foods she could keep on hand, pre-packed to take to births. She wanted ideas for foods that didn’t require refrigeration, and that would give her some options on S or E meals or snacks.
I realized that it’s really not a bad idea to keep a little THM emergency snack kit on the ready, so I compiled this collection of items in my ‘just in case’ kit. Admittedly, some of these are not what I’d consider ‘healthy’ foods, and not staple items that I’d use as part of my everyday food choices. But in a pinch, they’d be better than having nothing on hand, and would expand my options even if there were some food choices available.
Maybe I’m not a midwife, but as a busy Mama and a soon-to-be aunt again, there are plenty of opportunities that may call me out on an errand or a late night run to the hospital at times when I just need to have some healthier options than what the candy bar/snack machine can offer.
I love the convenience of the 100 calorie packs of nuts. They help me snack responsibly. 🙂 Habenaro BBQ is tasty enough to dissuade me from potato chips, and hot enough to dissuade me from eating the whole can. Now, these do contain a few off plan ingredients, but we’re not talking daily snacks here. This is just for times of need.
The True Lemon products are great for flavoring waters or yogurt. The drink tubes are sweetened with stevia, and are usually found in the water flavoring aisle here. In my opinion, the drink tubes are too sweet and are better if you halve them between two water bottles.
The lemon packets are unsweetened and can be found with the bottled lemon juice or baking aisle. One lady shared a great idea that she buys plain 0% Greek yogurt cups when she’s on the go and uses the real lemon packets and her own sweetener to create a yummy lemon yogurt if she’s caught between meals and needs to eat. Smart!
Protein. Gotta have it. I’m thinking the salmon could be added to a salad or I could even add a pack of mayo and some dill relish if there are any packets around. Some types of jerky are better than others as far as ingredients. This is the Aldi’s brand of beef sticks. Like I said: I’ve eaten healthier food options, but this is an emergency, people. Don’t judge. (P.S. They should be refrigerated after opening.)
And speaking of emergencies:
and Aldi’s: I just adore these 85% chocolate bar packs. The little bars inside are one serving of dark chocolate, but I only use one square (half of a little bar) to add chocolate to my mint chip milkshakes. Chocolate: it’s what counts in a true emergency.
I just love these, especially if you’ve got kids with you when your emergency hits. The only ingredients are apples & vitamin C, and they’re a really quick way to get a decent E snack in (if you add some protein. May I offer you a beef stick?)
Oh, and HERE is a fun item:
Unlike regular dried fruit, which is too sugary to use on plan, this freeze dried fruit is low enough in carbs to work on plan as a Fuel Pull! I love this blend in oatmeal or even the berry cake I make. I snagged a pouch for my emergency kit. It is so nice & crunchy and makes a fun snack on the go. (This one is only 9 net carbs for the whole pouch.) I found a box of different flavors at Costco, but they’re also available here in my THM Amazon store or sold at Trader Joes or through Honeyville.
This next one, I have very mixed feelings about. For many reasons. I know some ladies like to use the Atkins bars and similar, so I thought I’d try the Aldi’s version.
On one hand, they’re VERY convenient and look at that gorgeous photo on the box! Caramel. Chocolate. Peanut. Nougat. Really, you don’t have to try very hard to sell me on caramel. I heart caramel.
The bars are very small-maybe 3 inches? And they really are far less appealing than the packaging makes them out to be. On every level. You can see why peanut is not plural in the title, and the conservative caramel ribbon is not discernible at all when you bite into the bar. The chocolate coating is creepy and melts all over your fingers as soon as you touch it, and it tastes a bit like sawdust. If you want my honest opinion.
They qualify as a slightly off plan S style protein bar. Some of the ingredients are just less than stellar. So all the way around, I don’t see myself really using these or buying them again.
If I *know* I’m going to be out and about, I would much rather make on of the THM milkshakes for a snack instead of one of the sawdust bars.
Oh, and I’ll leave you with a REALLY fun idea for travel or emergency use: I remembered seeing the baby formula containers at the grocery store, and thought that it would be PERFECT to measure out scoops of protein powder! You may even want to go ahead and add your stevia and cocoa measurement to each section. This container stores 3 separate servings, and you simply twist the lid to the section you want to pour from, and dump into your cup.
This would be a quick fix to mix into some shelf stable almond milk, coffee, or even plain 0% Greek yogurt for an added protein boost.
So, what are your favorite on-the-go/emergency grab items on THM?
And now for LOTS more Trim & Healthy Inspiration…
A big thanks to all of the THM bloggers that make Trim Healthy Tuesday so fun! Your comments and clicks really make their day! And the linked up recipe with the top clicks will be featured here next week.
Here are my top 3 posts from last week:
(click to open them in a new window)
The post from last week with the most visits was this one.
And now for this weeks Trim Healthy Tuesday Posts!
Bloggers: please see updated posting guidelines here.
Thanks so much for joining me on Trim Healthy Tuesdays!
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I like Quest bars. I get them from GNC. Several flavors have Splenda, but there are 3 or 4 flavors with stevia and erythritol only.
I honestly don’t understand. If I was going to eat something slightly off plan, why would I eat junk food full of chemicals? Eat some almonds and an apple, or cheese and apple, but at least eat real food. Its easy to grab fruit and nuts.
Some people can’t eat nuts. These were just other snack items to try on occasion for an emergency.
LOVE this idea! MRE’s for THM is total genius! So simple yet so creative! Thank you!
loved this post. Having been “stranded” out in my “taxi” and starving is never fun. An apple and a gas station bag of salted peanuts have come to the rescue…. I am going to look for a few other emergency supplies to keep handy. Thanks!
Gwen, the Costco freeze dried Strawberry/banana mix has the BEST strawberries. They are like candy – crunchy, sweet, and just the right bite. I don’t like regular dried fruit, but love these freeze dried crunchies.
I’ve tried the Atkins bars in the past (we don’t have Aldi’s here in the Pacific NW), and they have a nasty cleansing effect on me…must be the maltitol or sorbitol or something. I have used some of the Quest bars with success, the flavors that are on plan, but oh my goodness, those are EXPENSIVE! Thank you for this post. What a great, helpful idea to share with us all!
Thank you so much for sharing these ideas! I’ve had a really hard time staying on plan when I travel (as a women’s retreat speaker) between the restrictions at airport security, the often limited amenities in hotel rooms, and lack of time / transportation to get to grocery stores during the conferences. But I’m determined to keep trying and these suggestions will really help!
I love all these ideas! I could have used an emergency pack last month when we had to make a fast trip to the emergency room. Usually I keep nuts on hand to grap and go but those get old quick.
Thanks again
Thank you! I might have been the midwife with the request. My birth bag food has gotten a little more creative but this is still great help!
Thanks for the idea! I made myself up a plastic container for work, that I take on vacation with me too. I also added little sugar free hard candies, tea bags, and a small container of ACV.
Great ideas! I carry tea bags in my purse too. 🙂
Jennifer, what have you found to keep your ACV in? Every container I’ve tried has ended up leaking. Thanks!
Hi. I saw on another Pinterest post that someone had used a travel sized shampoo container for the ACV and just measured/marked with a sharpie for 2 T.
What quest bars are on plan? Thank you
I am making a gift box for a friends birthday, he is very weight conscious. I am making him the ranch dressing mix, and printing some recipes. Do you have any more suggestions of dry things i can give him in jars? I am new to the THM way (and yes I’m going to try these for myself too). FYI- I bought the PDF version on my kindle and am so sorry for that. I wish I had found your website before for the quick start information. I’m going to buy ingredients before buying the paper book, money only goes so far!
PS I love love love pretzels. are there any on plan?
Hi Chris! Oh, the Ranch is amazing, and so is the Greek dressing dry mix. I use them as dry spices all the time. 🙂 What about the sugar free brown sugar for adding to oatmeal or yogurt?
There actually ARE sprouted pretzels that you can find in my Amazon store (link in sidebar or under the Trim Healthy tab). Not sure where they are sold locally, but you may be able to look that up once you look up the brand name?
QUEST BARS (homemade and bought. I cannot do Malitol!!) !!! EAS Protein shakes (Sams), Chocoperfection bars (chocolate), homemade powdered Ranch dressing (mix in mayo and a little water or almond milk), or make your own and put in a travel shampoo bottle (new of course).
you can also carry dehydrated apples (homemade if possible) or freeze dried!
Awesome suggestions!!!
thanx so much for the info…I often find myself in a bind & I am truly an over organized person so these times really bother me…this will be perfect for in my car…good job for your honesty also…Jan
Hi there! I am wondering if you have any tips for staying on plan during a hospital stay? I am due to have baby number 6 in just a couple days and have been doing well on the plan. Any help would be great!
Hospital food is sadly not the most nutritious. Fats, sweets, and breads are what you’re going to want to replace. When I had my last baby, I asked ahead of time, and they had a fridge & microwave in the refreshment station that new Mama’s could use.
I would bring my own cream, butter, dressings, yogurts, concentrates of your favorite drinks, fruit or SF syrup…even whipped cream if you want! 🙂 Stash them in the fridge with your name on it (rubber band with tape tabs is helpful, since they won’t fall off with condensation). On a vacation once, I even took the ingredients for milkshakes, and used my hand blender or bullet blender to mix them.
I also took a non-chilled snack bag with nuts, fruits, jerky, and even premixed packets for Muffin in a Mug portions for a sweet “bread” treat. I am usually SO hungry after having a baby! And I usually travel with my own teabags and sweetener. 🙂
If they’re serving something that you really don’t care for, you can always ask friends or family to grab something, or trade your dinner for theirs. Ha! (For some reason, the Dad’s I know all love hospital food…crazy, huh?!)
Love these ideas. Can you tell me where you found the formula dispenser for a dollar? The only place I found was $4 at Target. Thanks!
The dollar tree sells them on the baby aisle. 🙂
Hi! my name is Lynette I am very much over weight, diabetic, high blood pressure, lots of pain from arthritis and post back surgery, I wasn’t overweight til after my 4th son was born, then two c sections later and boom!! Im a big fat girl, well old girl! Ive got the thm book and cookbook ordered, going to really try to get this right! my neighbor is doing well on it ive tried everything, I love to eat! ty for listening.
Welcome Lynette! I love to eat too. 🙂 I hope you love the THM way of eating!