Mmmm…can you hear the lime fajita recipe sizzling? I crave good, savory food this time of year, and this is such a simple, quick dinner with loads of flavor. It’s a nice change from sugar cookies and cheeseballs. And it’s *fast*…as in ‘set the table before you start heating the pan’ fast. And delicious. It’s…
Align Your Spine-Part 2
So how do you align your spine using your muscles? I’ll show you what has worked for me, and kept me pain free, and going strong for over 3 years now. In Part 1 of Align Your Spine, I shared my story of a debilitating hip pain, and how my cousin was willing to…
Mulled Cider Recipe
This is the perfect mulled cider recipe, and I don’t say that lightly…I’m actually not a big fan of spiced apple cider usually. But this recipe has a tartness that strikes a perfect balance with the sweet and spicy. My sister brought a steamy pot of this to Thanksgiving last year, and I’ve been dreaming…
Align Your Spine- Part 1
If you had to align your spine due to persistent pain or nerve injury, where would you turn? This is where I found myself during my pregnancy with my 3rd baby. By the time I’d reached the ‘waddling’ stage, I began to have recurring trouble with my right hip. Of course, I attributed this to the…
Little Fashion Miss
This girl. She loves fashion. She jumps and claps if she opens a gift that contains ‘only’ clothes. Fancy socks are a favorite as well.This particular day, she’s chosen a vintage Raggedy Ann & Andy dress, and accessorized with lace stockings. Really beautiful lace stockings…ones that I have no memory of her owning. And upon…
Baby Bunny Nest
I discovered these photos the other day and thought you guys might enjoy this. A couple of years ago, my brother called us, and said “Come over…I want to show you what I found while doing yard work!”He’s just up the road in another neighborhood, so we all piled into the van and headed down…
Betta Mama: Meet Lizzy
Meet the Mama Betta: Miss Lizzy. Here she is enjoying her new habitat, just after giving birth to 30 some offspring. She bounced back quickly! Mr Darcy took a nip at her tail in their courtship, and she’s still on the mend. So far, Mr. Darcy and Mrs. Elizabeth have remained apart after the initial…
8 Week Menu: Fall and Winter
The worst part about planning a menu is the part where you have to sit down and plan out what’s going to go on the menu. I hate that. I used to sit down every week, and relive the agony of ‘What’s for dinner?’ for an entire weeks worth of meals. While I’m not hugely…