Stacy, over at Stacy Makes Cents is sharing her Parmesan Squash Noodles recipe today, so be sure to check that out too!
Now for our Trim Healthy Tuesday fun! I chose three featured posts from last week:
(click to open them in a new window)
The post from last week with the most visits was this one:
And now for this weeks link ups! Please see updated posting guidelines below the linky.
Thanks so much for joining Stacy & I on Trim Healthy Tuesdays!
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Guidelines for Trim Healthy Tuesday Linked Posts:
- Accepted post topics will be: Trim Healthy Mama related recipes, kitchen tips, weekly menu, ‘how to’ articles, or exercise tips, and MODEST before and after photos may be attached to any of the above. Please do not link personal progress reports or non-THM recipes.
- You may post links from YOUR blog to recipes that are Trim Healthy Mama friendly. They can be S (satisfying), E (energizing), FP (Fuel Pull), or Crossovers. Please note which of these categories your recipe falls under. Nutrition information for your recipe is helpful, but not mandatory.
- Please respect the copyright of the book, and do not post recipes from the Trim Healthy Mama book on your blog. You MAY post recipes that you’ve changed up to make your own, but nothing verbatim from the book.
- Please link your post back to one of the hosting blogs above: Gwen’s Nest or Stacy Makes Cents. Your link will show up on both blogs! DO NOT LINK TO THE HOMEPAGE – instead link directly to this Trim Healthy Tuesday post:
- Please post no more than 3 links each week.
- Post new links from your blog each week – do not post the same link each week.
- You may include recipes with “Splenda” and other similar products or foods that are considered “compromise foods”, but please note that in the recipe, and either make them optional or offer substitutions for on plan items if possible. Please do not use ingredients that are off plan…like white potatoes.
- No giveaways or advertising-only type posts are allowed. You may post about cookbooks that you like and you may include affiliate links, but the post MUST be THM friendly. Example – posting about an eCookbook that you like is acceptable when telling how it can help with THM. Posting about a cookbook just so you can sell it is NOT acceptable.
- Any post that does not meet the guidelines outlined above will be considered Spam and will be deleted.
- Though it’s not required, it would be polite if you would link directly to the Trim Healthy Mama website in each of your posts – they’ve done so much to help us all, and we’d like to increase their traffic.
- For help with determining where your recipes fall, visit Gwen’s THM Quick Start Guide.
Yummy! Pinned! 🙂
This is fantastic. My family loved it! My husband said this goes into the ‘make again’ recipe book. My mom was still talking about it before dinner tonight! 🙂
We had this tonight for dinner. So yummy! Definitely a keeper! Thanks for this recipe….
When you say “add sour cream” in the recipe, you mean yogurt subbing for sour cream, right? Will be trying this….have never subbed yogurt for sour cream but I’m sure it’s just as good.
Yes…thank you! The 0% Greek yogurt tastes almost *exactly* like Sour Cream to me. It’s really a fantastic sub.
Can you use sour cream instead? Are the calories and nut. Info just as good, or is yogurt more superior to use? Thanks!
Since I use this one with brown rice, I use a fat free Greek Yogurt, but you could also use ff sour cream. I believe Greek yogurt has more protein, but with the meat that wouldn’t really be critical. 🙂
So could I make this without the cream of mushroom cubes?
They add a lot to the flavor, so I always use them. 🙂
I thought ground beef was an automatic S meal?
Sounds de-lish! !!! Thank you
If you rinse it after browning, it becomes lean enough to use for E meals. Cool, huh!
I have always boiled my ground beef, instead of frying it. Gets the grease out. Just strain it & dump it back into your pan. The meat will be a light brown so you’ll know it’s done. Hint: Put on a “rubber” glove & squish it in warm water to mix it easily & then your hand stays clean, & it’s super easy.
I thought a tablespoon of butter is an S meal. This website is very confusing.
Hi Cheryl, I’m sorry you’re confused. A Tablespoon of butter would not be a problem in a meal that has many servings…you’d just want around a teaspoon of fat max per serving to stay in E territory for your meal.
What can I use if I don’t have one of your cubes for the mushroom?
I’d add a shake of worchestershire for flavor, and some finely diced mushrooms if you’ve got em. And a couple shakes of onion powder. You just want a flavor boost. 🙂
I thought beef was always an S??
I used very lean grassfed beef, which can be used in an E or FP setting because it’s so low in fat. If you want to use regular ground beef, you can brown it and rinse it in warm water (and drain the grease from the pan) and then continue with the recipe as written. 🙂
This looks promising! Where can I find mushroom soup cubes? Did you freeze some, or are they like bullion cubes?
Hi Dirinda! They’re a really quickie way of prepping just the herbed mushrooms, and it makes enough for a dozen meals! So I freeze them to keep them on hand. Here’s how I do it! Cream of Mushroom Soup Cubes
The recipe looks great! If I wanted to make this a ‘S’ meal, what brands/kinds of noodles should I use? Thank you – looks lovely!
If you’re doing the THM plan, then you could use Dreamfield’s pasta to keep it in an S setting.
Could I just use corn starch? My glucci hasn’t come in yet.
Corn starch works really well as a thickener, but it’s pure starch, so it will bump up your carbs a bit. Gluccie won’t. I’d probably opt to use sprouted flour if you have that on hand as a thickener.
This looks really good! Would you need to rinse the ground beef to remove excess fat to make it an E? Also, where would you find a mushroom cube and/or what could you use in replace of? TIA!
Hi Carmen! The printable recipe gives full instructions and links to the mushroom cube recipe. That one comes together really quickly, and I’ve whipped up a new batch in the skillet before starting the stroganoff if I was out of mushroom cubes. 🙂 It makes enough to where you have lots to freeze and use later. It’s the most convenient way I’ve found to get the full flavor of mushroom soup without the icky can ingredients. 🙂
This looks yummy. Thank you for posting this. My question is this, and please be mindful of my ignorance as I am fairly new to the THM way. Why is this an E and not and S? I was thinking that the fat in the burger would make it too high to be an E.
E (energizing) meals are fueled by healthy carb sources. With the brown rice, this would definitely fall into E territory. You’re right to be thinking of fat content, but since the recipes suggests rinsing the beef once it’s cooked, that brings the fat into range. Hope that helps!
Is there anything that could be subbed for the mushroom cube? We have a mushroom-free house (the hubs can’t have them) but I would love to try this recipe! I am having such a hard time with E meals.
Just omit if you don’t care for mushrooms…it’s just a flavoring option. 🙂 You can add other herbs or diced or caramelized onions to add flavor if you want.
Would it still be an Email if you used rice cauliflower?
Well, the rice adds the healthy carb component that takes it into E territory. If you added another source of healthy carbs, like a piece of fruit, then it could still stay an E with cauli-rice.
Just made this for dinner tonight. Mine was bland. Since you didn’t say what steak seasoning you used, I thought perhaps I used the wrong brand. I bought Weber Chicago Steak seasoning–could this have resulted in the bland taste?
Hi Janna,
I used the McCormick Grill Mates seasoning. And I am a “season to taste” girl when I cook. 🙂 So if it’s too bland, just add more to taste.
If I served this over riced cauliflower would it still be a THM-E? I’m completely out of brown rice and very new to THM. Thanks so much!
Sorry to just be getting back to you. The E (healthy carbs) aspect is the rice. So if you used cauli rice, you’d be in FP territory. Or you could bump up to full fat sour cream and go S style.
If you wanted to use it with cauli rice to create an E meal, you’d just want to add some healthy E carbs…maybe foccacia out of the Easy Bread recipe! Or a lovely fruity dessert? 🙂